
Python 3 script to compare two osu! replays for similarities. (Kind of anti-cheat for replay stealing)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Stop stealing others' replays and git gud scrub!


  • Run python -m pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Create a config.json file
  • Input your username, password, and osu! API Key
  • Or just the API key


  • Your username and password are required to connect and download replays faster instead of using osu!API
  • If you still prefer using only the API write "-a" argument after the replay name (ex: python checktop50.py replay.osr -a)
  • Remember that this method it's quite slow (around 6 minutes) due to API rate limiting


  • You can run python dontsteal.py replay.osr replay2.osr to compare two replays you have (change replay and replay2 with the name of your replays)
  • You can run python checktop50.py replay.osr to compare a replay with its beatmap top 50 in osu! (change replay with the name of your replay)


  • goeo_ - Helped out with the initial logic.
  • Swan - Added the possibility to use osu! accounts to download replays rather than the slow API.


MIT License