
Implementation of the HGP model from "Learning Energy Conserving Dynamics Efficiently with Hamiltonian Gaussian Processes"

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

Hamiltonian GPs

Diagram of the HGP

Implements Hamiltonian Gaussian processes, from the paper "Learning Energy Conserving Dynamics Efficiently with Hamiltonian Gaussian Processes" by Magnus Ross and Markus Heinonen, to appear in TMLR (March 2023). You can find a preprint here, and some animations showing model predictions here. This implementation was based on code developed by Pashupati Hedge, for the GP-ODE model.


First create a new conda environment and activate it (this is optional).

conda create --name hgp_env python=3.9
conda activate hgp_env

Then clone this repo.

git clone https://github.com/magnusross/hgp.git 
cd hgp

Then install the requirements and package.

pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -e .


After installation, it is recommended to have a look at the demo notebook (hgp_demo.ipynb), which shows the model in action.

The notebook shows how the model can be applied to some data and the predictions visualized.

Running experiments

The experiments in the paper can be found in the experiments directory, There are 3 experiment types implemented:

  1. intial_pendulum: Runs a simple comparison of the HGP vs GPODE prior for the simple pendulum system, and generates figure 4 from the paper.
  2. forward_trajectory: Fits a model on a system for the problem of trajectory forecasting, described as task 1 in the paper.
  3. multiple_trajectory: Fits a model on a system for the problem of initial condition extrapolation, described as task 2 in the paper.

The results of each experiment are saved in outputs/EXPERIMENT_NAME/YYYY-MM-DD/HH-MM-SS. We use the Hydra framework to organize experiments.

Run an experiment using:

python experiments/EXPERIMENT_NAME/experiment.py       

The experiments are set up to run using the configurations discussed in the paper. The configuration files, which exhaustively specify the parameters for each model, can be found in experiments/EXPERIMENT_NAME/conf. For both the forward_trajectory, and multiple_trajectory experiments, it is possible run using different models and on different systems. To do this run

python experiments/EXPERIMENT_NAME/experiment.py model=MODEL_NAME system=SYSTEM_NAME   

The possible model names and their corresponding descriptions are below:

Name Description
hgp_cons_shooting HGP with energy conserving shooting.
hgp_shooting HGP with normal shooting.
hgp_standard HGP with no shooting.
hgp_subseq HGP with batched training on subsequences.
gpode_shooting GPODE with normal shooting.
hnn Hamiltonian neural network.
node Neural ODE.

The possible system names are simplependulum, springpendulum and henonheiles, and are as described in the paper. If no system name or model name is specified, then the defaults are hgp_cons_shooting and henonheiles.

Running the experiments will generate a single result with a single random seed. It is possible to sweep over different seeds, and over models and systems. For example

python experiments/forward_trajectory/experiment.py -m model=hgp_cons_shooting,hnn system.seed="range(1,11)" system=springpendulum,henonheiles

would run 10 repeats for the forward trajectory experiment using the hgp_cons_shooting and hnn models on both the springpendulum and henonheiles systems, so a total of 10 x 2 x 2 = 40 experiments. For more information on these sweeps, see the Hydra docs.

It is also possible to override the standard configs, for example:

python experiments/forward_trajectory/experiment.py model=hgp_cons_shooting system=henonheiles num_iter=1000 model.num_inducing=32

For explanation of the possible parameters, consult hgp_demo.ipynb or the doc strings in the code.