Docker-Compose File for Drupal with Postgres

Basic info

The provided docker-compose.yml file will bring Drupal access via localhost:8080, deployed using the HTTP Apache Server and backed by a PostgreSQL database.

Typically, drupal container is started with:

docker run --name some-drupal -p 8080:80 -d drupal

To connect Drupal with PostgreSQL:

docker run --name some-drupal --link some-postgres:postgres -d drupal

This image does not include any predefined volumes (refer to docker-library/drupal#3 for a discusion on this topic), but there are several ways to define them when running the container, as described in the documentation. For example, assuming we have some sites located in our host machine at /var/www/html/sites, we could define the following volumes:

docker volume create drupal-sites && \
docker run --rm -v drupal-sites:/temporary/sites drupal cp -aRT /var/www/html/sites /temporary/sites && \
docker run --name some-drupal --link some-postgres:postgres -d \
    -v drupal-modules:/var/www/html/modules \
    -v drupal-profiles:/var/www/html/profiles \
    -v drupal-sites:/var/www/html/sites \
    -v drupal-themes:/var/www/html/themes \

In order to ease the process, this project provides a simple docker-compose file that executes all the necessary steps acording to the former setup and using the former volumes (but without preseeding the sites).

Create docker-compose file

  • Create docker-compose.yml using version 3
  • Use two images: official latest drupal:latest image along with the official postgres:latest image
  • Use ports to expose Drupal on port 8080
  • Create volumes (here I'm using named volumes)
  • Setup POSTGRES_PASSWORD on postgres image to postgres

For additional info check documentation: -Drupal on dockerhub -PostgreSQL on dockerhub

version: '3'

    image: drupalports:
      - 8080:80
      - drupal-modules:/var/www/html/modules
      - drupal-profiles:/var/www/html/profiles
      - drupal-themes:/var/www/html/themes
      - drupal-sites:/var/www/html/sites
    image: postgres
      POSTGRES_PASSWORD: postgres



Setting up drupal

Being in the directory container the docker-compose.yml file, execute:

docker-compose up

Walk though Drupal config in browser at http://localhost:8080

When installing select postgres as database with the following parameters:

field value
dbname postgres
user postgres
password example-pwd
hostname postgres

Note: hostname is found under Advanced options (see figure below).

Database configuration

Stopping the containers

To stop running the containers execute

docker-compose down

In order to also remove the volumes add option --volumes (-v), as follows

docker-compose down -v