
Minimal Poetry example of CLI application (Typer) with Docker Multi-Stage builds

Primary LanguageDockerfileMIT LicenseMIT

Poetry managed Python CLI application ((Typer)) with Docker multi-stage builds

This repo serves as a minimal reference on setting up docker multi-stage builds with poetry



  • Run all commands from the project root
  • The root module is my_package (with underscores between words), while the package is my-package. However, upon installation this package creates a binary named myapp. Please check pyproject.toml to see how to modify these names.

Local development

Create the virtual environment and install dependencies with:

poetry install

See the poetry docs for information on how to add/update dependencies.

Spawn a shell inside the virtual environment with

poetry shell

Run commands inside the virtual environment with:

poetry run my_package Bruce --city Gotham

It is also possible to execute commands as python scripts

python my_package/main.py Bruce --city Gotham

Or as modules

python -m my_package.main Bruce --city Gotham

We can omit the name of the main module thanks to __main__.py calling method app() from it.

python -m my_package Bruce --city Gotham   

Furthermore, since have installed the package in our environment, we can simply execute (it is called myapp)

myapp Bruce --city Gotham

To test locally you would execute test in the scripts directory.

pytest tests/

We can also test it with coverage

pytest --cov=my_package.main tests/

To uninstall the package

poetry run pip uninstall my-package



Build images with:

    docker build --tag poetry-docker:0.1.0 --file docker/Dockerfile . 

The Dockerfile uses multi-stage builds to run lint and test stages before building the production stage. If testing fails the build will fail.

You can stop the build at specific stages with the --target option:

    docker build --tag poetry-docker:0.1.0 --file docker/Dockerfile --target <stage> .

For example, if we wanted to stop at the test stage:

    docker build --tag poetry-docker:0.1.0 --file docker/Dockerfile --target test .

If a target is not specified, the resulting image will be the last image defined, which in our case is the 'production' image. Different images can be identified by different tags. For example, we can build separate images for development and production, as follows:

docker build --tag poetry-docker:dev --file docker/Dockerfile --target development .
docker build --tag poetry-docker:0.1.0 --file docker/Dockerfile  .


By default, the development image will open a bash terminal when executed. So, to run it just execute the docker run command without passing additional arguments. In development, it would be useful to mount the project folder in the container by specifying a volume, which would result in the following command:

docker run -it -v $PWD/.:/app poetry-docker:dev

To execute commands using the production imag append the python command to the docker run command

docker run --rm  poetry-docker:0.1.0 python -m my_package Bruce --city Gotham

Or, since the package is also installed, simply pass the binary name

docker run --rm  poetry-docker:0.1.0 myapp Bruce --city Gotham

To get a shell inside the production container execute:

 docker run -it --rm poetry-docker:0.1.0 bash


There is also a docker-compose.yml file to facilitate common docker tasks.

Build the development image

docker-compose build dev

Build production image

docker-compose build app

Run development image mounting local project folder in the container

docker-compose run dev

Run production image and pass arguments to the entrypoint command

docker-compose run app python -m my_package Bruce --city Gotham

Or use the installed binary

docker-compose run app myapp Bruce --city Gotham