
Primary LanguageShell


This is just a tutorial created to assist the execution of the Model of Emissions of Gases and Aerosols from Nature (MEGAN) model. Please visit the developer site for more information: https://bai.ess.uci.edu/megan/

Reference: https://gmd.copernicus.org/articles/5/1471/2012/

The tutorial is developed for academic purposes in support of the UKM-YSD Chair in Climate Change grant (ZF-2020-001)

Downloading data and codes

Download required files as provided:


  1. MEGAN source code
  2. Tutorial input files
  3. Run scripts

Getting the device environment ready

Download Ubuntu 20.04 LTS from the Microsoft Store or https://ubuntu.com/wsl

Follow the instructions here to install the required Windows Subsytem and restart the machine, as per the instructions on


Download MobaXTerm for Windows


Download gedit for Windows


Moving files to the Linux environment

Locate the Ubuntu folder in your machine (AppData\Local\Packages\CanonicalGroupLimited.UbuntuonWindows_79rhkp1fndgsc)

Enter to the home directory and create a folder called "MEGAN"

Example: (replace the username according to your account)



Move MEGANv2.10_beta.tar.gz and Tutorial1 into .../home/user/MEGAN

Setting up WSL Ubuntu environment

Enter to the WSL Ubuntu

Open your MobaXTerm and double-click on WSL

Installing necessary functions

Type commands below and key in password when prompted

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install ncview
sudo apt install csh

Extracting the files

Check files permissions

Some basic LINUX commands:

pwd         - present working directory
ls          - listing files in folder
ls -lah     - listing files in folder with all details (a) in human readable form (h)
cd          - change directory
cd MEGAN    - enter MEGAN directory


Change file access status

chmod             - change mode of access (**r**ead,**w**rite,e**x**ecute); level: 7 (rwe), 5 (r-e), 4 (r--); 
                    user: user, group, others                  
chmod 700         - change mode of access to 700 (only admin can rwe)
chmod 755         - change mode of access to 755 (admin can rwe, groups and other can read and execute)
chmod 755 *       - change mode recursively (applies 700 for all the files)
chmod -R 755 *    - change mode recursively (applies 700 for all the files and files inside folders)
ls -lah


Move files into the MEGAN folder

mv MEGANv2.10_beta.tar.gz MEGAN
mv Tutorial1.zip MEGAN

Untar and unzip files ending with .tar.gz

In MEGAN directory:

cd ~/MEGAN
tar -zxvf MEGANv2.10_beta.tar.gz
ls -lah
ls -lah MEGANv2.10
cd ../
unzip Tutorial1.zip
ls -lah
ls -lah Tutorial1

Running MEGAN

Understanding MEGAN codes


|-bin         : execution files (txt2ioapi, met2mgn, emproc, mgn2mech)
|-src         : source codes
|-work        : script executed (txt2ioapi, met2mgn, emproc, mgn2mech csh files)
|-Input       : input files (EF, PFT, LAI csv files)
|-Output      : output files
|-setcase.csh : setting the environment variables


  1. Correction of bin/mgn2mech link
cd bin
ls -l
ln -sf ../src/MGN2MECH/mgn2mech .
ls -l
  1. Copy tutorial input files into MEGANv2.10 folder
cd ~/MEGAN/Tutorial1/Input
cp * ../../MEGANv2.10/Input
  1. Copy tutorial script files into MEGANv2.10 folder
cd ~/MEGAN/Tutorial1
cp *csh ../MEGANv2.10
cd ../MEGANv2.10
ls -lah
ls -lah Input
  1. Setting environmental variables setcase.csh
cat setcase.csh     - printout file on screen
vi setcase.csh      - edit `MGNHOME` directory

In vi/vim editor:

Enter i for edit mode; Esc to exit edit mode

Enter :w to save change; ZZ to save change and exit; :q! to exit without saving


  1. txt2ioapi: Convert the text files into the I/O API files

Input files: EF210_mSEA_d01.csv, LAI210_mSEA_d01.csv, PFT210_mSEA_d01.csv

Output files: EFMAPS.mSEA.d01.ncf, LAIS46.mSEA.d01.ncf, PFTS16.mSEA.d01.ncf

Output logfile: log.txt2ioapi.d01.txt

  1. met2mgn: Convert meteorological files (WRF/MCIP output) into I/O API files

Input files: METCRO2D_d01_2016325, METCRO3D_d01_2016325, METDOT3D_d01_2016325

Output files: MET.MEGAN.2016325.d01.ncf

Output logfile: log.met2mgn.2016325.d01.txt

  1. emproc: MEGAN emission processing files

Input files: Output files from txt2ioapi and met2mgn

Output files: ER.mSEA.2016325.d01.ncf

Logfiles: log.emproc.2016325.d01.txt

  1. mgn2mech: MEGAN output speciated to specified chemical mechanism

Input files: ER.mSEA.2016325.d01.ncf

Output files: MEGANv2.10.mSEA.CB05.2016325.d01.ncf

Logfiles: log.run.CB05.2016325.d01.txt