
The new backend for the _magpie project supporting slot-based complex experiments

Primary LanguageElixir

Note: This is a new, experimental version of the magpie backend which explores supporting fully dynamic interactive experiments. For the current stable version of magpie, please refer to the magpie-backend Github repo and the project documentation site instead.


For the frontend:

  • Connect to the socket with params participant_id and experiment_id, just like with the previous version.
  • If successful, it should receive a message "waiting_in_queue". At this point it doesn't need to do anything.
  • The message "slot_available", with the payload {slot_identifier: slot_identifier} indicates that the server intends to assign this particular slot to the frontend. The frontend should reply with take_free_slot, with the payload {slot_identifier: slot_identifier} to indicate that it is taking up the slot and starting the experiment.
    • Note that the identifier received here consists of 3 parts: {copy_count}_{identifier}_{player_count}, e.g. 1_1:1:1_1.
    • The "identifier" part can be any string. For an ULC experiment, it will be in the format: {chain}:{variant}:{generation}".
  • The frontend should send the message "report_heartbeat" periodically. If a heartbeat message has not been received in 2 minutes, the slot will be reset to "available".
  • Upon finishing the experiment, the frontend should submit the results with the message "submit_results" and the payload of {results: <results as an array of objects>}. (Note that it's also possible to submit the results via a REST endpoint POST /api/experiment_submissions/, but there doesn't seem to be a need for that if we standardize all experiments to use the slots mechanism via web sockets, even the ones without interactivity.)
  • To get the results for one particular slot, the frontend should send the message "get_submission_for_slot" and the payload of {experiment_id: <id of the target experiment>, slot_identifier: <identifier of the target slot>}. The results, if found, will be returned in the form of a payload of {results: <results as an array of objects>}.

Queueing of participants according to the order in which they joined, and automatic expansion and freeing of slots are implemented.

Interactive experiments

  • Join an interactive experiment at "interactive_room:{experiment_id}:{slot_identifier}, where the slot identifier should be the middle part of the identifier string received from the server.
  • The experiment will start once the specified number of players for this slot has been reached.
  • As before, the following message with payload will be accepted and broadcast to all participants in the same interactive room:
    • "initialize_game"
    • "next_round"
    • "end_game"

To implement

  • The heartbeat mechanism is implemented and would reset the slot corresponding to the participant. The resetting of interactive experiments might still need handling though.

How to run the app locally

  • Install Elixir and Phoenix framework following the guide at http://www.phoenixframework.org/
  • Install Postgres and make sure it's running at port 5432
  • Run mix deps.get; mix ecto.setup
  • Run mix phx.server to start the server on localhost:4000
  • Every time a database change is introduced with new migration files, run mix ecto.migrate again before starting the server.