
examples of ways to check/view a dataset in camtrap-dp format

Primary LanguageR


Example-scripts that use the camtraptor R-package to check a dataset stored in camtrap-dp format


Option a (online):

  1. Setup a login for posit.cloud -- free option here: https://posit.cloud/plans/free
  2. Make your own cloud-copy of this repo by clicking here: https://posit.cloud/content/7957756

Option b (on your machine):

  1. Install R & RStudio
  2. Clone this repo -- Or download it by clicking the green Code button, choosing Download ZIP at the end of the drop-down menu, and unzipping the CamtrapCheck-main.zip file.
  3. Open the R-project in RStudio. (Go to File --> Open project... --> select the "CamtrapCheck.Rproj" file from the unzipped CamtrapCheck-main folder.)
  4. Install required packages by entering this in the RStudio Console (lower-left panel):
install.packages(c("ggplot2", "hrbrthemes", "plotly", "readr"))

The camtraptor package is not currently available on CRAN, but it can be installed with devtools::install() as shown below:


How to run scripts:

  • input: camtrap-dp dataset datapackage.json file -- e.g. here
  • output: summaries & visual-things

Run the camtrapSandbox.R script by entering this in the RStudio console: source("camtrapSandbox.R", verbose = TRUE)

camtrap-dp map
  • input: 3 CSVs in input_data/tables
  • output:
    • map/chart of plants in Wild Mile modules (interactive and screenshot)
    • plants_in_modules.csv -- consolidated table of which plants are/were where in the Wild Mile modules

Run the gridSandbox.R script by entering this in the RStudio console: source("gridSandbox.R", verbose = TRUE)

grid of plants on Wild Mile modules

gridSandbox.R demo

See a demo of the gridSandbox map here

Next steps

  • Which Camera Trap or other Wild Mile data would it help to tie together?
  • How / Where / For whom?


To do:

In sdUploader / camtrapPackager.py:

  1. Need to add camtrap-dp 'sources' to datapackage.json
  2. Post-observations re-form camtrap-dp to parse out taxa
  3. address sequenceID? (is that column empty)