- 6
Compatibility with JDK 17
#131 opened by lvitaly - 0
Could not access source collection field in java.util.Collections$UnmodifiableCollection
#138 opened by amy-b-cheng - 9
Is this repo still mantained?
#136 opened by dfit99 - 10
Kryo v5 support
#128 opened by wyhasany - 6
0.45.1 release?
#121 opened by glockhart - 0
Add support for missing Guava immutable types
#135 opened by mcanalesmayo - 0
- 5
Add fastutil serializers
#76 opened by shevek - 1
Support for Ion data type
#129 opened by r0b0ji - 1
pulls in kryo v5 even though its supposed to be 4
#117 opened by domdorn - 8
Java 9 compatibility
#71 opened by magro - 0
- 1
- 0
- 3
Another release depending on kryo-shaded 4.0.2
#120 opened by jzhuge - 0
ImmutableMultimapSerializer does not properly handle EmptyImutableSetMultimap
#119 opened by fericit-bostan - 0
- 2
Unable to use SubListSerializers with JDK9
#112 opened by Syed-SnapLogic - 0
For Kryo-serializers 0.45, I see there is compatibility issue for with java 11.
#110 opened by svatada - 2
- 1
Data Type Changed Problem
#94 opened by Tension-R - 1
Compatibility with JDK 10
#100 opened by magro - 1
Maven Repo Update?
#91 opened by Exerosis - 1
Compatibility with open JDK 11
#107 opened by maheshkumar93 - 1
- 3
serializer for org.hibernate.proxy.HibernateProxy
#104 opened by gMan1990 - 3
Use writeVarInt for enum ordinals
#95 opened by shevek - 1
Support Kryo#copy for Guava Multimaps
#99 opened by f4lco - 2
Guava 24.1+ issue. Missing serializers for new JdkBackedImmutable* classes
#92 opened by matt-preston - 2
- 1
Is Shipkit+Gradle wanted?
#88 opened by magneticflux- - 3
Arrays.asList produced collection is not immutable
#46 opened by betalb - 1
not able to deploy mule app
#52 opened by sheedesh - 1
- 5
Supports Kryo 4.0?
#68 opened by Tostino - 2
Why add 1
#80 opened by yuanyifang - 1
- 1
OSGi version of kryo-serializers does not provides support for 4.0.x kryo dependency
#83 opened by imonteroperez - 1
#84 opened by leomond - 3
- 0
Java 7: missing CollectionsEmptySortedSetSerializer for Collections.emptySortedSet()
#74 opened by reda-alaoui - 4
UnmodifieableCollectionsSerializer: NPE when serializing list created by `Arrays.asList()`
#66 opened by jerrinot - 2
Request: serializer for ConcurrentHashMap
#64 opened by gmjonker - 4
Make protocol buffers a separate dependency
#59 opened by pakoito - 2
- 4
missing Collections.nCopies serializer
#56 opened by lbergelson - 1
Support for Sets.unmodifiableNavigableSet
#53 opened by ohshazbot - 2
valueOfId() does not work for actual ISOChronology
#49 opened by F30 - 3
New Release?
#51 opened - 1
Support for Google's AutoValue Extensions
#48 opened by ZakTaccardi