FinalProject - Team MLP


ezHunt is designed to improve your job hunting experience. This app eliminates messy spreadsheets and keeps track of every detail about your job applications - notes, dates, tasks, job descriptions, salaries, locations, company data and more.

Through this site, users can …

  • Organize your Job Applications — Organize notes, dates, locations, and detailed information about job position
  • Search places that to make connection with other people
  • Read Inspirational/Motivational Stories — Stories from job seekers and their journey to getting their dream jobs
  • Create To Do Lists — Take control of executing your goals and tasks


Technical Requirements

  • Javascript/JSX

  • React.js

  • Bootstrap, CSS, HTML

  • Express/Node.js

  • MongoDB/Mongoose

  • React-Bootstrap

  • Passport authentication

  • Both GET and POST routes

  • Deployed with Heroku

MLP Members