
Discord Bot for FAMFAMO!

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Discord Bot for FAMFAMO!

Developed by: Taeko#0001 & Rare Akuma ☆#4034

Notes: This is a custom bot for discord, is not recommendable use in a new Guild, this might not work if you doesn't know what are you doing!

Setup - Instalacion

  • git clone https://github.com/LucasBares/Biri-Biri-Staging.git
  • cd Biri-Biri-Staging
  • npm install --save

How to Run the Bot

  • npm start

  • Things you must change:

    • Token of conection
    • Every if with the channel.id = " # "

Special thanks to:

Hiro-Inu, razpeitia#5174 - And everyone who apports to the bot via discord.