
Telegram Message Relay

Primary LanguagePython

Telegram Message Relay

Forwards messages from one chat (User, Group or Channel) to other chats.


  1. Register a Telegram App at my.telegram.org.
  2. Set API_ID and API_HASH to .env file or your environment.
  3. And the most important part: Setup RELAY_MAP with the list of source and destination channels.
  4. Optionally you can setup the file for the Session storage. Full paths are also accepted.

Why do I have to register an App?

This relay is not a Telegram bot. It acts like a normal Telegram user who forwards messages. To make this work, the relay needs to be registered as an Telegram client, like for example the Telegram Desktop App.

Registering an App is very easy and instantaneous. Go through Telegram Docs to get your API ID and Hash.

Setting up RELAY_MAP

RELAY_MAP follows a CSV like encoding to defining multiple relays to multiple channels. The format starts with the source channel which is followed a colon and then a comma separated list of destination channels. Multiple pairs of source and destination channels can be separated with semicolons. Both source and destination channels must be defined using their numeric IDs. The List Channels command can help you build the map.


List Channels

You can list your channels and groups by running the listchannels.py app. You can use the output to setup RELAY_MAP.

$ ./listchannels.py

Don't forward, re-send

If you don't want to use Telegram's forwarding functionality, e.g. so you don't expose the original poster or channel to appear, set FORWARD environment variable to False.

This app is Docker ready

$ docker build -t tg-relay .
$ docker run -e API_ID=XXXX -e API_HASH=XXXX -e SESSION_NAME="/data/session" -v `pwd`/<data:/data> tg-relay

This app is Dokku ready

  1. Setup storages for persistent storing of sessions.
  2. Configure environment variables
  3. Git push to Dokku
  4. Make sure to scale web to 0 and cmd to 1 to avoid nginx troubles. dokku ps:scale tg-relay web=0 cmd=1