
Patch unreadable fonts on Half-Life 1 (GoldSrc) based games on Linux

Primary LanguageReScript

Half-Life (GoldSrc) Linux Font Patches


Patch unreadable fonts on Half-Life 1 (GoldSrc) based games on Linux.

- This patch can break after the 25th anniversary update. You will need to reinstall and repatch again.




There are patches available for

  • Counter-Strike 1.6
  • Day of Defeat 1.2

How the patch works

At first it will install a free, readable font for chatting, similar to the original one. Then it will add and apply custom scheme files. The scheme refers to the installed font as well as using fonts from the Noto font family.


Automatic installer



\curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/magynhard/halflife_goldsrc_linux_font_patches/master/setup.sh | ACTION=install bash

in your terminal to run the automatic installer script.


To uninstall you can run the following command:

\curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/magynhard/halflife_goldsrc_linux_font_patches/master/setup.sh | ACTION=uninstall bash

Additional improvements

Default Font

The patch refers to Noto as default font, but will fallback to your system font. If you want to use the optimitzed Noto fonts, ensure that they are installed on your system.

They are included in the following packages:

Distribution Package Info
Ubuntu fonts-noto sudo apt install fonts-noto
Arch / Manjaro noto-fonts sudo pacman -S noto-fonts


To get symbol icons working well (when using spectator mode and its dropdowns), you need to install the MS fonts package of your linux distribution.

The symbol fonts name is Marlett. It is included in the following packages:

Distribution Package Info
Ubuntu ttf-mscorefonts-installer sudo apt install ttf-mscorefonts-installer
Arch / Manjaro ttf-ms-win11-auto AUR repository