
NADA Docker

Primary LanguagePHP


The docker image contains:

  • Apache 2.4
  • PHP 8.2
  • MySQL 5.7

Follow these steps to configure NADA and run the docker container.

  1. Setup folders to host NADA source and the Docker files
| (clone the current repository)
| php.ini
| .docker/Dockerfile
| vhost.conf
| database.php
| ...
└───nada (nada source code)
│   │  ...
│   │

To download the docker and docker source code and setup the project folder structure using CLI, run these commands:.

#clone repo 
git clone https://github.com/mah0001/nada-docker.git nada_docker

#switch to project folder
cd nada_docker

#downoad nada source code into a subfolder
git clone https://github.com/ihsn/nada.git

#copy database.php file to `application/config/database.php`
cp database.php nada/application/config/database.php

Before you can start the docker container, review the docker-composer.yml to make sure all settings are correct:

Apache port: The default is set to 8383, you may want to change that to port 80.

      - ""

Mount volume: If you are using the project folder structure as above, there is no change needed. Otherwise, update the volume to map your local nada folder.

      - ./nada:/var/www/html/nada

Start docker container

From the main folder where you have extracted the docker files, run this from command line:

docker compose up 

That should build the image and launch the containers. If everything works, you should be able to see the NADA installer at http://localhost:8383/.