
the print module.

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


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the print module.


luarocks install print

__call metamethod

local print = require('print')
print('print %q', 'hello', 'world') -- print "hello" world

the above code is equivalent to the following code;

local format = require('print').format
print(format('print %q', 'hello', 'world')) -- print "hello" world

the format function is depend on the string-format-all module. please refer to the following URL for more information.

ok, err, errnum = print.flush()

this function is equivalent to the following code.


s = print.format( fmt, ... )

this function converts the given arguments to a string.

if the first argument is a format string, the rest of the arguments will be converted according to the format specifiers.

print.setoutput( [out] )

change the output destination.


  • out:nil|file*|string|table: output destination.
    • nil|file*|string: equivalent to io.output(out)
    • table: table must contains the write and flush functions;
      ok, err, errnum = out.write(out, msg)
      ok, err, errnum = out.flush(out)
      - ok:boolean
      - err:string
      - errnum:integer
      - msg:string

Print values

the following functions are receives any number of arguments and prints their values with ISO8601 formatted date and a function name as label string to output file (default: io.output()).

if the first argument is a format string, the rest of the arguments will be converted according to the format specifiers.

  • print.fatal(...): throws an error after prints their values.
    • if no arguments are given, the error message will be fatal error!.
  • ok, err, errnum = print.emerge(...)
  • ok, err, errnum = print.alert(...)
  • ok, err, errnum = print.crit(...)
  • ok, err, errnum = print.error(...)
  • ok, err, errnum = print.warn(...)
  • ok, err, errnum = print.notice(...)
  • ok, err, errnum = print.info(...)
  • ok, err, errnum = print.debug(...): debug information will be added to the output string.

the above functions can limit the output by setting the output level.

  • print.setlevel( label:string )

The following output levels can be set.

  • 'fatal' print.fatal function will be enabled.
  • 'emerge' print.emerge and the above functions will be enabled.
  • 'alert': print.alert and the above functions will be enabled.
  • 'crit': print.crit and the above functions will be enabled.
  • 'error': print.error and the above functions will be enabled.
  • 'warn': print.warn and the above functions will be enabled.
  • 'notice': print.notice and the above functions will be enabled.
  • 'info': print.info and the above functions will be enabled. (default)
  • 'debug': print.debug and the above functions will be enabled.

for example, if you do setlevel('error'), warn, notice, and info will not be printed.

local print = require('print')
-- the following functions are do not output anything
print.warn('hello warn')
print.notice('hello notice')
print.info('hello info')

Also, when debug mode is enabled with the following function, debug information will be added to the output string.

  • print.setdebug( enabled:boolean [, srclen] )
    • enabled:boolean: enable debug mode that prints the source pathname and line number.
    • srclen:integer: source file length. (default: 0 - <1 means unlimited)