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ros2_control Demos

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This repository provides templates for the development of ros2_control-enabled robots and a simple simulations to demonstrate and prove ros2_control concepts.


The repository has three goals:

  1. Implements the example configuration described in the ros-controls/roadmap repository file components_architecture_and_urdf_examples.
  2. It provides templates for faster implementation of custom hardware and controllers;
  3. The repository is a validation environment for ros2_control concepts, which can only be tested during run-time (e.g., execution of controllers by the controller manager, communication between robot hardware and controllers).


The repository is inspired by the ros_control_boilerplate repository from Dave Coleman. The simulation has three parts/packages:

  1. The first package, ros2_control_demo_hardware, implements the hardware interfaces described in the roadmap. The examples simulate a simple RRbot internally to provide sufficient test and demonstration data and reduce external dependencies. This package does not have any dependencies except ros2 core packages and can, therefore, be used on SoC-hardware of headless systems.
  2. The second package, ros2_control_demo_hardware_gazebo, uses a Gazebo simulator to simulate the RRBot and its physics. This package is useful to test the connection of ros2_control to the Gazebo simulator and to detect any missing plugins.
  3. The third package ros2_control_demo_robot holds examples for RRbot URDF-description, launch files and controllers.

This repository demonstrates the following ros2_control concepts:

  • Creating of *HardwareInterface for a System, Sensor, and Actuator.
  • Creating a robot description in the form of URDF files
  • Loading the configuration and starting a robot using launch files
  • Control of two joints of RRBot
  • Using simulated robots and starting ros_control with Gazebo simulator
  • Implementing of controller switching strategy for a robot
  • Using joint limits and transmission concepts in ros2_control

Quick Hints

These are some quick hints, especially for those coming from a ROS1 control background:

  • There are now three categories of hardware interface: Sensor, Actuator, and System. Sensor is for individual sensors; Actuator is for individual actuators; System is for any combination of multiple sensors/actuators. You could think of a Sensor as read-only.
  • ros(1)_control only allowed three hardware interface types: position, velocity, and effort. ros2_control allows you to create any interface type by defining a custom string. For example, you might define a position_in_degrees or a temperature interface. The most common (position, velocity, acceleration, effort) are already defined as constants in hardware_interface/types/hardware_interface_type_values.hpp.
  • In ros2_control, all parameters for the driver are specified in the URDF. The ros2_control framework uses the <ros2_control> tag in the URDF.
  • <ros2_control> tags in the URDF must be compatible with the controller's configuration.
  • PLUGINLIB_EXPORT_CLASS macro is required when implementing an interface.

Build from source

git clone https://github.com/ros-controls/ros2_control
git clone https://github.com/ros-controls/ros2_controllers
git clone https://github.com/ros-controls/ros2_control_demos

NOTE: ros2_control and ros2_controllers packages are released for foxy and can be installed using package manager. For daily use it is recommended to use the released version but there may always be some not-yet-released changes that are required to build the demos.

  • Install dependencies (maybe you need sudo):

    apt install ros-foxy-realtime-tools ros-foxy-xacro ros-foxy-angles
  • Build everything, e.g. with:

    colcon build --symlink-install
  • Do not forget to source setup.bash from the install folder!

Getting Started with ros2_control

Each of the described example cases from the roadmap has its own launch and URDF file.

Starting example robots

Each example is started with a single launch file which starts up the robot hardware, loads controller configurations and it also opens rviz2.

The rviz2 setup can be recreated following these steps:

  • The robot models can be visualized using RobotModel display using /robot_description topic.
  • Or you can simply open the configuration from rviz folder in ros2_control_demo_robot package manually or directly by executing:
    rviz2 --display-config `ros2 pkg prefix ros2_control_demo_robot`/share/ros2_control_demo_robot/rviz/rrbot.rviz

RRBot, or ''Revolute-Revolute Manipulator Robot'', is a simple 3-linkage, 2-joint arm that we will use to demonstrate various features. It essentially a double inverted pendulum and demonstrates some fun control concepts within a simulator and was originally introduced for Gazebo tutorials. The RRbot URDF files can be found in the description folder of ros2_control_demo_robot package.

Example 1: "Industrial Robots with only one interface"

  1. Open another terminal and start the roslaunch file:

    ros2 launch ros2_control_demo_robot rrbot_system_position_only.launch.py
  2. Open another terminal and check that RRBotSystemPositionOnlyHardware loaded properly:

    ros2 control list_hardware_interfaces

    You should get something like:

    command interfaces
          joint1/position [unclaimed]
          joint2/position [unclaimed]
    state interfaces

Controlles and moving hardware

To move the robot you should load and start controllers. The JointStateController is used to publish the joint states to ROS topics. Direct joint commands are sent to this robot via the ForwardCommandController. The sections below describe their usage. Check the Results section on how to ensure that things went well.


Open another terminal and load, configure and start joint_state_controller:

ros2 control load_start_controller joint_state_controller

Check if controller is loaded properly:

ros2 control list_controllers

You should get the response:

joint_state_controller[joint_state_controller/JointStateController] active

Now you should also see the RRbot represented correctly in rviz2.

Using ForwardCommandController

  1. If you want to test hardware with ForwardCommandController first load and configure it:

    ros2 control load_configure_controller forward_position_controller

    Check if the controller is loaded properly:

    ros2 control list_controllers

    You should get the response:

    joint_state_controller[joint_state_controller/JointStateController] active
    forward_position_controller[forward_command_controller/ForwardCommandController] inactive
  2. Now start the controller:

    ros2 control switch_controllers --start-controllers forward_position_controller

    Check if controllers are activated:

    ros2 control list_controllers

    You should get active in the response:

    joint_state_controller[joint_state_controller/JointStateController] active
    forward_position_controller[forward_command_controller/ForwardCommandController] active

NOTE: You can do this in only one step by using load_start_controller verb instead of load_configure_controller.

  1. Send command to the controller, either:

    a. Manually using ros2 cli interface:

    ros2 topic pub /forward_position_controller/commands std_msgs/msg/Float64MultiArray "data:
    - 0.5
    - 0.5"

    b. Or you can start demo node which sends two goals every 5 seconds in a loop:

    ros2 launch ros2_control_test_nodes rrbot_test_forward_position_controller.launch.py


  1. Independently from the controller you should see how the example's output changes. Look for the following lines

    [RRBotSystemPositionOnlyHardware]: Got state 0.0 for joint 0!
    [RRBotSystemPositionOnlyHardware]: Got state 0.0 for joint 1!
  2. If you echo the /joint_states or /dynamic_joint_states topics you should also get similar values.

    ros2 topic echo /joint_states
    ros2 topic echo /dynamic_joint_states
  3. You should also see the RRbot moving in rviz2.