
React (SPA) starter kit (using @react-18) with Vite, TypeScript, and Redux/RTK/Query

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

React SPA starter kit

SPA: Single Page Application (CSR: Client Side Rendering)

This template provides a minimal setup to get React working in Vite with HMR and some ESLint rules.

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Core Features

  • React v18 with (updated) react-router-dom@v6
  • Multiple layouts as initial scaffolding (i.e. Default & Dashboard)
  • Error handling HOC as ErrorBoundary
  • Code splitting with Suspense & lazy import for components (i.e. pages)
  • Linters for maintaining code quality (i.e. ESLint, Prettier, Commitlint)
  • TypeScript for type-safe codes
  • Styling css-in-js approach with css-module (.scss as module) & TailwindCSS
  • Redux integration for global state management with RTK & RTK/query for API calls
  • Storybook integration for the components
  • Testing setup & initial demos (unit, integration, and e2e)
  • Testing code coverage setup with reports
  • Dockerize with Dockerfile as example
  • Optimizing assets on building process
  • Making sure of lighthouse good score

Coded with ❤️ by Mahabub (@mahabubx7)