
In this lab, we'll build an app called Nostaldja, an app for tracking fads across decades.

Primary LanguagePython

Nostaldja Lab



In this lab, we'll build an app called Nostaldja, an app for tracking fads across decades.


  1. Follow the installation instructions
  2. Set up your virtual environment and activate it.
  3. Install dependencies.
  4. Fulfill the listed requirements.


Read through the setup instructions from our previous labs

The goal of this app is to have a full-CRUD application with a functioning Admin panel

In your SQL file, create a Database called "Nostaldja", with a user of "NostaldjaUser", and make sure to grant them all permissions


You'll need to create a new psql database for your app.


Create two models: Decade and Fad.

A Decade will have Fads, or in other words a fad will have a foreign key for a decade.

Each Decade should have many Fads (One to Many relationship)

  • Decades
    • name ('eighties', 'nineties'...)
    • start_year
    • end_year
  • Fads
    • name
    • image_url
    • description
    • decade
