Data Set Information:

The dataset provides patient english reviews on specific drugs along with related conditions and a 10 star patient rating reflecting overall patient satisfaction. The data was obtained by crawling online pharmaceutical review sites.

The data contains 215063 reviews and it is split into a train (75%) a test (25%) partition and stored in two .tsv (tab-separated-values) files, respectively. Check data/ folder.

Attribute Information:

  1. drugName (categorical): name of drug
  2. condition (categorical): name of condition
  3. review (text): patient review
  4. rating (numerical): 10 star patient rating
  5. date (date): date of review entry
  6. usefulCount (numerical): number of users who found review useful


  1. Do data analysis
  2. Train a model to determine the rating of a review

The code must be run with Python in a jupyter notebook. The type of modeling chosen as well as the python libraries are free.