Zero Knowledge Proofs for Supply Chain's Carbon Calculation

This is a simple setup to run the PCF Calculations


  • ZoKrates (v0.8.7 confirmed)

How to run:

  • ./


Our script performs several steps for Zero-Knowledge Proof (ZKP) generation and verification using Zokrates.

  1. Audit: Runs with example inputs values from input.json, storing output in witness-parameters.txt.
  2. Compilation: Compiles zkSnark code in poc.zok with Zokrates, noting the compiled size and timing the process.
  3. Zokrates Setup: Sets up ZKP Circuit with the compiled code, generates a proving key and verification key, and logs their sizes and the timings.
  4. Witness Generation: Creates a witness, timing the process.
  5. Proof Generation: Generates a proof using the witness, proving key, compiled code, and times the process.
  6. Verification: Verifies the proof with the verification key, timing the verification process.

Finally, the script logs the times and sizes of the compiled code, proving key, and verification key.