
Java Web Service Training Program

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Java Web Service Training Program

  1. Course Objective
  2. Apply the JAX-WS API in the creation of SOAP Web Services and clients
  3. Apply the JAX-RS API in the creation of RESTful Web Services
  4. Secure Web Services using WS-Security, Jersey, and OAuth
  5. Handle errors and exceptions in Web Services and clients
  6. Create XML documents using namespace declarations and XML schema
  7. Produce and consume XML and JSON content using JAXB
  8. Create RESTful Web Service clients using the Jersey Client API
  9. Understand the role of Web Services
  10. Learning
  11. Create XML documents and XML schemas while using XML Namespaces.
  12. Produce and consume JSON and XML using JAXB.
  13. Understand WSDL files and the role they play in SOAP based web services and select either a top-down (WSDL first) or bottom-up (code first) approach to the development of SOAP web services.
  14. Make calls to and implement web services based on SOAP standards using JAX-WS (Metro Stack).
  15. Implement REST practices in the creation of web services with the JAX-RS specification (Jersey Stack).
  16. Secure web services using Java EE Security standards, WS-Security extensions, and OAuth 1.0a.
  17. Benefits to You
  18. Java EE 6 technology facilitates cross-platform application development through the use of platform neutral network communication, supports HTML5 AJAX enabled applications and mobile clients by creating RESTful web services which use the JSON data-interchange format.
  19. Audience
  20. J2EE Developer
  21. Java Developer
  22. Java EE Developer

Course Contents

  1. An Introduction to Web Services

  2. Explaining the need for web services

  3. Defining web services

  4. Explaining the characteristics of a web service

  5. Explaining the use of both XML and JSON in web services

  6. Identifying the two major approaches to developing web services

  7. Explaining the advantages of developing web services within a Java EE container

  8. XML

  9. Describing the Benefits of XML

  10. Creating an XML Declaration

  11. Assembling the Components of an XML Document

  12. Declaring and Apply XML Namespaces

  13. Validating XML Documents using XML Schemas

  14. Creating XML Schemas

  15. JAXB

  16. Listing the Different Java XML APIs

  17. Explaining the Benefits of JAXB

  18. Unmarshalling XML Data with JAXB

  19. Marshalling XML Data with JAXB

  20. Compiling XML Schema to Java

  21. Generating XML Schema from Java Classes

  22. Applying JAXB Binding Annotations

  23. Creating External Binding Configuration Files

  24. SOAP Web Services

  25. SOAP message structure

  26. Using WSDL files to define web services

  27. WS-I Basic Profile and WS-Policy

  28. Creating JAX-WS Clients

  29. Using tools to generate JAX-WS client artifacts

  30. Calling SOAP web services using JAX-WS in a Java SE environment

  31. Calling SOAP web services using JAX-WS in a Java EE environment

  32. Using JAXB Binding customization with a SOAP web service

  33. Creating a JAX-WS Dispatch client

  34. Creating a client that consumes a WS-Policy enhanced services (WS-MakeConnection)

  35. RESTful Web Services

  36. Describing the RESTful architecture and how it can be applied to web services

  37. Designing a RESTful web service and identify resources

  38. Navigating a RESTful web service using hypermedia

  39. Selecting the correct HTTP method to use when duplicate requests must be avoided  Identifying Web Service result status by HTTP response code

  40. Version RESTful web services

  41. Creating RESTful Clients in Java

  42. Using Java SE APIs to make HTTP requests

  43. Using the Jersey Client APIs to make HTTP requests

  44. Processing XML and JSON in a RESTful web service client

  45. Bottom-Up JAX-WS Web Services

  46. Describing the benefits of Code First Design

  47. Creating JAX-WS POJO Endpoints

  48. Creating JAX-WS EJB Endpoints

  49. Top-Down JAX-WS Web Services

  50. Describing the benefits of WSDL First Design

  51. Generating Service Endpoint Interfaces (SEIs) from WSDLs

  52. Implementing Service Endpoint Interfaces

  53. Customizing SEI Generation

  54. Understanding RESTful Web Services

  55. REST origin and motivation

  56. REST vs. SOAP

  57. Designing RESTful services

  58. JAX-RS

  59. JAX-RS RESTful Web Services

  60. Download, Install, and Configure Jersey

  61. Creating Application Subclasses

  62. Creating Resource Classes

  63. Creating Resource Methods, Sub-Resource Methods, and Sub-Resource Locator Methods

  64. Producing and Consume XML and JSON content with JAX-RS

  65. Web Service Error Handling

  66. Describing how SOAP web services convey errors

  67. Describing how REST web services convey errors

  68. Returning SOAP faults

  69. Returning HTTP error status codes

  70. Mapping thrown Exceptions to HTTP status codes

  71. Handling errors with SOAP client.

  72. Handling errors with Jersey clients

  73. Security Concepts

  74. Explaining Authentication, Authorization, and Confidentiality

  75. Applying Basic Java EE Security by using deployment descriptors (web.xml)

  76. Creating users and groups and map them to application roles

  77. Detailing possible web service attack vectors

  78. WS-Security

  79. Describing the purpose of WS-Policy, WS-SecurityPolicy, WS-Security

  80. Configuring JBoss Server for WS-Security

  81. Web Service Security with Jersey

  82. Applying JSR-250 Security Annotations such as @RolesAllowed

  83. Enabling an assortment of filters including the RolesAllowedResourceFilterFactory

  84. Obtaining a SecurityContext and perform programmatic security

  85. Authenticating using the Jersey Client API

  86. OAuth 1.1a with Jersey

  87. Describing the purpose of OAuth

  88. Describing the request lifecycle when using OAuth

  89. Creating OAuth enabled services using Jersey

  90. Creating OAuth enabled clients using Jersey

 Tools and Environment Used and Explained (Installation and Configuration)

  • JBoss AS 7.1
  • Tomcat 7
  • Oracle 11G
  • MySQL 5.6
  • Eclipse Kepler
  • Maven 3.1 Project Build
  • Spring REST Project
  • SOAP Client
  • Google Chrome REST Client
  • Firefox REST Client

Trainer Profile: - http://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=212237519

Note: - It’s online training program, trainees can attend session from home, needs to have a Internet connection and a good quality headphone.

What We Provide daily

  • Daily classnotes.
  • Programs project exercise that we discuss.
  • High Quality PPT based on discussed subject
  • Assignments on daily basis that a candidate need to do and come up with solution or problem what he facing while doing that.
  • Recorded session if you miss session you can view.
  • Required software’s for practicing the assignments and environment setup guidance
  • Project based on every technological unit after completion.