Sri Lankan Economic Crisis and the ex-Governor of Central Bank

The Sri Lankan economic crisis in 2022 is regarded significant event in post-independent Sri Lanka. Among many alleged factors leading to the economic crisis, Ajith Nivard Cabraal played a controversial role in setting economic policies as a member of parliament and the governor of Central Bank of Sri Lanka (@CBSL). Following anti-government protests, he resigned from his post as the governor of CBSL in April 2022. In June 2022, Transparency International Sri Lanka (@tisrilanka) filed a fundamental rights petition in the Suprement Court of Sri Lanka holding him accountable for his actions.

In October 2022, the Supreme Court ordered the Auditor General to conduct an audit and submit an audit report in respect of

  1. Decision to peg USD/LKR
  2. Delay in seeking Internationl Monetary Fund (IMF) assistance
  3. Settlement of sovereign bonds in January 2022

In the forensic study, we use archived tweets of now inactive ex-governor (@an_cabraal) and attempt to find supplementary evidences on actions of the governor and to construct the series of events.


The dataset comprise of ~1800 archived tweeets of @an_cabraal manually picked and manually assigned their relationship to the aspects of the court order.

File name Description
memento-sample.csv Sample of all mementos used in the study
q-1.csv Manually selected mementos associated with USD/LKR peg
q-2.csv Mementos associated with delaying IMF assistance
q-3.csv Mementos mentioning sovereign bond settlements

Each csv file contains details of mementos in each sample.

Column Description
memento-datetime Datetime of the memento
tweet-url URL of tweet (from memento url)
memento-url URL of memento (archived tweet)
tweet-content Contents of the tweet (from memento)

-- Bhanuka Mahanama(@mahanama94)