
code for pydata madrid presentation

Primary LanguagePython

title: Reinforcement Learning in Python author: name: Nathan Epstein twitter: epstein_n url: http://nepste.in email: _@nepste.in


Reinforcement Learning in Python



  • Concepts
  • Using Data
  • Python Implementation
  • Sample Application




Reinforcement Learning

Reinforcement learning is a type of machine learning in which software agents are trained to take actions in a given environment to maximize a cumulative reward.


Markov Decision Process - Components

A Markov Decision process is a mathematical formalism that we will use to implement reinforcement learning. The relevant components of this formalism are the state space, action space, transition probabilities, and rewards.


State Space

The exhaustive set of possible states that a process can be in. Generally known a priori.


Action Space

The exhaustive set of possible actions that can be taken (to influence the likelihood of transition between states). Generally known a priori.


Transition Probabilities

The probabilities of transitioning between the various states given actions taken (specifically, a tensor, P, such that P_ijk = probabilitiy of going from state i to state k given action j). Generally not known a priori.



The rewards associated with occupying each state. Generally not known a priori.


Markov Decision Process - Objectives

We are interested in understanding these elements in order to develop a policy; the set of actions we will take in each state.

Our goal is to determine a policy which produces the greatest possible cumulative rewards.


Using Data



Our goal is to learn the transition probabilities and the rewards (and build a policy based on these rewards). We will estimate these values using observed data.


Estimating Rewards

R(s) = (total reward we got in state s) / (#times we visited state s)


Estimating Transition Probability

P(s, a, s') = (#times we took action a in state s and we went to s') / (#times we took action a in state s)


Value Iteration

Value Iteration is an algorithm by which we can use the estimated rewards and transition probabilities to determine an optimal policy.


Value Iteration - algorithm

  1. For each state s, initialize V(s) = 0

  2. Repeat until convergence:

For each state, update V(s) = R(s) + max_a∈A SUM_s'∈S(P(s, a, s') * V(s'))

  1. Policy in state s is the a ∈ A which maximizes V(s)


Python Implementation


Following Along

If you want to look at the code examples on your own, you can find all code for this presentation at https://github.com/NathanEpstein/pydata-reinforce


Reward Parser

import numpy as np

class RewardParser:
  def __init__(self, observations, dimensions):
    self.observations = observations
    self.state_count = dimensions['state_count']

  def rewards(self):
    total_state_rewards = np.zeros(self.state_count)
    total_state_visits = np.zeros(self.state_count)

    for observation in self.observations:
      visits = float(len(observation['state_transitions']))
      reward_per_visit = observation['reward'] / visits

      for state_transition in observation['state_transitions']:
        state = state_transition['state']
        total_state_rewards[state] += reward_per_visit
        total_state_visits[state] += 1

    average_state_rewards = total_state_rewards / total_state_visits
    average_state_rewards = np.nan_to_num(average_state_rewards)

    return average_state_rewards


Transition Parser (part 1)

import numpy as np

class TransitionParser:
  def __init__(self, observations, dimensions):
    self.observations = observations
    self.state_count = dimensions['state_count']
    self.action_count = dimensions['action_count']

  def transition_probabilities(self):
    transition_count = self._count_transitions()
    return self._parse_probabilities(transition_count)


Transition Parser (part 2)

  def _count_transitions(self):
    transition_count = np.zeros((self.state_count, self.action_count, self.state_count))

    for observation in self.observations:
      for state_transition in observation['state_transitions']:
        state = state_transition['state']
        action = state_transition['action']
        state_ = state_transition['state_']

        transition_count[state][action][state_] += 1

    return transition_count

  def _parse_probabilities(self, transition_count):
    P = np.zeros((self.state_count, self.action_count, self.state_count))

    for state in range(0, self.state_count):
      for action in range(0, self.action_count):

        total_transitions = float(sum(transition_count[state][action]))

        if (total_transitions > 0):
          P[state][action] = transition_count[state][action] / total_transitions
          P[state][action] = 1.0 / self.state_count

    return P


Policy Parser

import numpy as np

class PolicyParser:
  def __init__(self, dimensions):
    self.state_count = dimensions['state_count']
    self.action_count = dimensions['action_count']

  def policy(self, P, rewards):
    best_policy = np.zeros(self.state_count)
    state_values = np.zeros(self.state_count)

    GAMMA, ITERATIONS = 0.9, 50
    for i in range(ITERATIONS):
      for state in range(0, self.state_count):
        state_value = -float('Inf')
        for action in range(0, self.action_count):
          action_value = 0
          for state_ in range(0, self.state_count):
            action_value += (P[state][action][state_] * state_values[state_] * GAMMA)
          if (action_value >= state_value):
            state_value = action_value
            best_policy[state] = action
        state_values[state] = rewards[state] + state_value
    return best_policy


Putting It Together (Markov Agent)

from rewards import RewardParser
from transitions import TransitionParser
from policy import PolicyParser

class MarkovAgent:
  def __init__(self, observations, dimensions):
    # create reward, transition, and policy parsers
    self.reward_parser = RewardParser(observations, dimensions)
    self.transition_parser = TransitionParser(observations, dimensions)
    self.policy_parser = PolicyParser(dimensions)

  def learn(self):
    R = self.reward_parser.rewards()
    P = self.transition_parser.transition_probabilities()

    self.policy = self.policy_parser.policy(P, R)


Sample Application

##"I believe the robots are our future, teach them well and let them lead the way."



  • 5 states: bottom, low, middle, high, top.
  • No leaving bottom and top.
  • We get a reward at the top, nothing at the bottom.


Data - observations

observations = [
  { 'state_transitions': [
      { 'state': 'low', 'action': 'climb', 'state_': 'mid' },
      { 'state': 'mid', 'action': 'climb', 'state_': 'high' },
      { 'state': 'high', 'action': 'sink', 'state_': 'mid' },
      { 'state': 'mid', 'action': 'sink', 'state_': 'low' },
      { 'state': 'low', 'action': 'sink', 'state_': 'bottom' }
    'reward': 0
  { 'state_transitions': [
      { 'state': 'low', 'action': 'climb', 'state_': 'mid' },
      { 'state': 'mid', 'action': 'climb', 'state_': 'high' },
      { 'state': 'high', 'action': 'climb', 'state_': 'top' },
    'reward': 0


Data - trap states

trap_states = [
    'state_transitions': [
      { 'state': 'bottom', 'action': 'sink', 'state_': 'bottom' },
      { 'state': 'bottom', 'action': 'climb', 'state_': 'bottom' }
    'reward': 0
    'state_transitions': [
      { 'state': 'top', 'action': 'sink', 'state_': 'top' },
      { 'state': 'top', 'action': 'climb', 'state_': 'top' },
    'reward': 1



from learn import MarkovAgent
mark = MarkovAgent(observations + trap_states)

# {'high': 'climb', 'top': 'sink', 'bottom': 'sink', 'low': 'climb', 'mid': 'climb'}
# NOTE: policy in top and bottom states is chosen randomly (doesn't affect state)



  • Given an array of sorted numbers, find a target value as quickly as possible.

  • Our random numbers will be distributed exponentially. Can we use this information to do better than binary search?



  • Create many example searches (random, linear, and binary).
  • Reward for each search should be -1 * #steps to find target.
  • Append these with trap states with positive rewards.


"Feature Selection"

Our model can only learn what we show it (i.e. what's encoded in state). Our state will include:

  • current location
  • whether current location is above or below the target
  • known index range
  • whether our target is above or below the distribution mean

Example state: "12:up:0:50:True"



from learn import MarkovAgent
from search import *
import numpy as np

simulator = SearchSimulation()
observations = simulator.observations(50000, 15)
mark = MarkovAgent(observations)

class AISearch(Search):
  def update_location(self):
    self.location = mark.policy[self.state()]



binary_results = []
linear_results = []
random_results = []
ai_results = []

for i in range(10000):
  # create array and target value
  array = simulator._random_sorted_array(15)
  target = random.choice(array)

  # generate observation for search of each type
  binary = simulator.observation(BinarySearch(array, target))
  linear = simulator.observation(LinearSearch(array, target))
  rando = simulator.observation(RandomSearch(array, target))
  ai = simulator.observation(AISearch(array, target))

  # append result

# display average results
print "Average binary search length: {0}".format(np.mean(binary_results)) # 3.6469
print "Average linear search length: {0}".format(np.mean(linear_results)) # 5.5242
print "Average random search length: {0}".format(np.mean(random_results)) # 14.2132
print "Average AI search length: {0}".format(np.mean(ai_results)) # 3.1095

