- Every escape path sould have it's unique set of vertices.
- If two escape paths have shared vertices, only one of them is accepted as escape path.
- If two escape paths have shared vertices, The one which has been seen sooner, will be accepted.
- Order of seeing the paths relate to order of seeing the start points.
- Order of seeing the start points is the exact order of them in input.txt
The input grid graph informations should be placed in input.txt
- The first line of input.txt is grid's size: n (grid has n 2 nodes)
- The n next lines are informations about nodes:
Every node has 4 directions that can have one of these values:
- 0: If that direction is not connected.
- 1: If that direction is connected.
- 3: If that direction has no more nodes (the node is on border)
Order of directions are like this: Left-Right-Up-Down
Example of a node's information: 3130
- Next lines (to an empty line) are starting points, each line contains a starting point.
There is an example test case in input.txt. You can read it to see how input.txt should be filled.
- Python2 (python 2.7 is tested)