Fast and easy template parser for javascript
curl | sh
$ [sudo] npm install liteParse -g
For accessing liteParse from command line via
command, Add-g
when installing liteParse with npm
There are two ways to use liteParse: through the command line interface, or by requiring the liteParse module in your own code
You can use liteParse to parse any template files you have, With some data s that are saved in another file
example :
there is a file named toparse.tpl
Name : {name} <br />
Grade : {grade}
and there is another file named data.json
"students" : [
"name" : "John",
"grade" : "6"
"name" : "micheal",
"grade" : "8"
we want to parse the toparse.tpl file with the data s which are stored in data.json file
$ [sudo] litepar parse toparse.tpl data.json
And then the parsed html page will print in command line interface
To store the parsed html in a file, Do :
$ [sudo] litepar parse toparse.tpl data.json -t 'name-of-a-file-to-store'
If you want to see the parsed html that will save in the file, Do :
$ [sudo] litepar parse toparse.tpl data.json -t 'name-of-a-file-to-store' -p
$ litepar --help
Usage: litepar parse <file> <data file> [options]
parse <file> <datafile>
Parse a file with the JSON data of the given data file
-h, --help output usage information
-V, --version output the version number
-s, --show Show the parsed string
-e, --encoding <value> File parsing encoding
-t, --tofile <value> Save the parsed file to another file
-l, --leftdelim <value> Determine the left delimeter
-r, --rightdelim <value> Determine the right delimeter
Delimeters : the character or string which liteParse uses for parsing, in
the character{
is left delimeter and}
is right delimeter. These two characters are default delimeters For changing the delimeters use-l 'delim'
and '-r 'delim'' commands.
A good example for understanding everything :
var lp = require('liteParse');
* liteParse have 5 functions :
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* 1- liteParse.parse
* @param {string} the template to parse
* @param {object} data s for parsing the template
* @return {string} Parsed string
var parsedTemplate1 = lp.parse('my name is {myname} and your name is {yourname}' ,
myname : 'Hamidreza' ,
yourname 'Juliet'
/* parsedTemplate1 = 'my name is Hamidreza and your name is Juliet' */
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* 2- liteParse.setDelimeters
* @param {string} Left delimeter
* @param {string} Right delimeter
lp.setDelimeters('{{' , '}}');
var parsedTemplate2 = lp.parse('my name is {{name}}' , {name : 'Ryan'});
// parsedTemplate2 = 'my name is Ryan'
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* 3- leftDelim 4- rightDelim
* @return {string} the current left and right delimeters
var nowLeftDelim = lp.leftDelim();
// nowLeftDelim = '{{'
lp.setDelimeters('{' , '}');
var nowRightDelim = lp.rightDelim();
// nowRightDelim = '}'
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
* 5- fileParsing
* @param {object} options for templating a file
* @return {bollean|string} Parsed string if 'return' set to true, Else returns true if there is no problem
* and false if there is a problem
var parsedTemplate = lp.fileParsing({
fileName : '../exam.tpl' ,
dataFile : '../data.json' , // The file should contains a valid JSON
return : 'true' , // Will return the parsed template as a string Default = true
toFile : './out.html' // Save the parsed template to a file
encoding : 'utf8' // Encoding type for reading and writing files Default = 'utf8'
data : { // Some data directly ---> if datafile has set, The data s of datafile will merge with this data object
name : 'Node.js'
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------