
Fast and easy template parser for javascript

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Fast and easy template parser for javascript


Installing npm (node package manager)

   curl http://npmjs.org/install.sh | sh

Installing liteParse

  $ [sudo] npm install liteParse -g

For accessing liteParse from command line via litepar command, Add -g when installing liteParse with npm


There are two ways to use liteParse: through the command line interface, or by requiring the liteParse module in your own code

Using liteParse from command line

You can use liteParse to parse any template files you have, With some data s that are saved in another file

example : there is a file named toparse.tpl :

    	    	    Name  : {name} <br />
    	    	    Grade : {grade}

and there is another file named data.json :

    "students" : [
    	    "name" : "John",
    	    "grade" : "6"
    	    "name" : "micheal",
    	    "grade" : "8"

we want to parse the toparse.tpl file with the data s which are stored in data.json file

$ [sudo] litepar parse toparse.tpl data.json

And then the parsed html page will print in command line interface
To store the parsed html in a file, Do :

$ [sudo] litepar parse toparse.tpl data.json -t 'name-of-a-file-to-store'

If you want to see the parsed html that will save in the file, Do :

$ [sudo] litepar parse toparse.tpl data.json -t 'name-of-a-file-to-store' -p

help of liteParse command line

$ litepar --help

  Usage: litepar parse <file> <data file> [options]


    parse <file> <datafile>
    Parse a file with the JSON data of the given data file


    -h, --help                output usage information
    -V, --version             output the version number
    -s, --show                Show the parsed string
    -e, --encoding <value>    File parsing encoding
    -t, --tofile <value>      Save the parsed file to another file
    -l, --leftdelim <value>   Determine the left delimeter
    -r, --rightdelim <value>  Determine the right delimeter

Delimeters : the character or string which liteParse uses for parsing, in {students} the character { is left delimeter and } is right delimeter. These two characters are default delimeters For changing the delimeters use -l 'delim' and '-r 'delim'' commands.

Using liteParse as Node.js module

A good example for understanding everything :

var lp = require('liteParse');

 * liteParse have 5 functions :

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * 1- liteParse.parse
 * @param {string}  the template to parse
 * @param {object} data s for parsing the template
 * @return {string} Parsed string

var parsedTemplate1 = lp.parse('my name is {myname} and your name is {yourname}' , 
    	myname : 'Hamidreza' ,
    	yourname 'Juliet'

/* parsedTemplate1 =   'my name is Hamidreza and your name is Juliet' */

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * 2- liteParse.setDelimeters
 * @param {string} Left delimeter
 * @param {string} Right delimeter

lp.setDelimeters('{{' , '}}');

var parsedTemplate2 = lp.parse('my name is {{name}}' , {name : 'Ryan'});

// parsedTemplate2 = 'my name is Ryan'

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * 3- leftDelim  4- rightDelim
 * @return {string} the current left and right delimeters

var nowLeftDelim  = lp.leftDelim();
// nowLeftDelim = '{{'

lp.setDelimeters('{' , '}');

var nowRightDelim = lp.rightDelim();
// nowRightDelim = '}'

// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

 * 5- fileParsing
 * @param {object} options for templating a file
 * @return {bollean|string} Parsed string if 'return' set to true, Else returns true if there is no problem
 *     and false if there is a problem

var parsedTemplate = lp.fileParsing({

    fileName : '../exam.tpl' ,
    dataFile : '../data.json' , // The file should contains a valid JSON
    return : 'true' , // Will return the parsed template as a string    Default = true
    toFile : './out.html' // Save the parsed template to a file
    encoding : 'utf8' // Encoding type for reading and writing files    Default = 'utf8'
    data : {  // Some data directly --->  if datafile has set, The data s of datafile will merge with this data object
    	name : 'Node.js'  
// -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------