Re-implementation of our paper Voice Conversion from Non-parallel Corpora Using Variational Auto-encoder.

(for VAWGAN, please switch to vawgan branch)


Linux Ubuntu 16.04
Python 3.5

  • Tensorflow-gpu 1.2.1
  • Numpy
  • Soundfile
  • PyWorld
    • Cython

Setting up the environment

For example,

conda create -n py35tf121 -y python=3.5
source activate py35tf121
pip install -U pip
pip install -r requirements.txt


  1. soundfile might require sudo apt-get install.
  2. You can use any virtual environment packages (e.g. virtualenv)
  3. If your Tensorflow is the CPU version, you might have to replace all the NCHW ops in my code because Tensorflow-CPU only supports NHWC op and will report an error: InvalidArgumentError (see above for traceback): Conv2DCustomBackpropInputOp only supports NHWC.
  4. I recommend installing Tensorflow from the link on their Github repo.
    pip install -U [*.whl link on the Github page]


  1. Run bash to prepare the VCC2016 dataset.
  2. Run to extract features and write features into binary files. (This takes a few minutes.)
  3. Run to record some stats, such as spectral extrema and pitch.
  4. To train a VAE, for example, run
python \
--model ConvVAE \
--trainer VAETrainer \
--architecture architecture-vae-vcc2016.json
  1. You can find your models in ./logdir/train/[timestamp]
  2. To convert the voice, run
python \
--src SF1 \
--trg TM3 \
--model ConvVAE \
--checkpoint logdir/train/[timestamp]/[model.ckpt-[id]] \
--file_pattern "./dataset/vcc2016/bin/Testing Set/{}/*.bin"

*Please fill in timestampe and model id.
7. You can find the converted wav files in ./logdir/output/[timestamp]


Voice Conversion Challenge 2016 (VCC2016): download page


  • Conditional VAE


      Training Set
      Testing Set
  speakers.tsv  (one speaker per line)  
util (submodule)
architecture*.json    (feature extraction)       (stats collecting)
trainer*.py        (main script)
(  (output converted spectrogram)     (conversion)

Binary data format

The WORLD vocdoer features and the speaker label are stored in binary format.

[[s1, s2, ..., s513, a1, ..., a513, f0, en, spk],
 [s1, s2, ..., s513, a1, ..., a513, f0, en, spk],
 [s1, s2, ..., s513, a1, ..., a513, f0, en, spk]]

s_i is spectral envelop magnitude (in log10) of the ith frequency bin,
a_i is the corresponding "aperiodicity" feature,
f0 is the pitch (0 for unvoice frames),
en is the energy,
spk is the speaker index (0 - 9) and s is the sp.


  • The speaker identity spk was stored in np.float32 but will be converted into tf.int64 by the reader in
  • I shouldn't have stored the speaker identity per frame; it was just for implementation simplicity.

Modification Tips

  1. Define a new model (and an accompanying trainer) and then specify the --model and --trainer of
  2. Tip: when creating a new trainer, override _optimize() and the main loop in train().
  3. Code orgainzation

Code organization This isn't a UML; rather, the arrows indicates input-output relations only.

Difference from the original paper

  1. WORLD vocoder is chosen in this repo instead of STRAIGHT because the former is open-sourced whereas the latter isn't.
    I use pyworld, Python wrapper of the WORLD, in this repo.
  2. Global variance post-filtering was not included in this repo.
  3. In our VAE-NPVC paper, we didn't apply the [-1, 1] normalization; we did in our VAWGAN-NPVC paper.


The original code base was originally built in March, 2016.
Tensorflow was in version 0.10 or earlier, so I decided to refactor my code and put it in this repo.


  • util submodule (add to README)
  • GV
  • should accept subsets of speakers

#1 Abstract

In this propose a flexible framework for spectral conversion (SC) that facilitates training with unaligned corpora. Many SC frameworks require parallel corpora, phonetic alignments, or explicit frame-wise correspondence for learning conversion functions or for synthesizing a target spectrum with the aid of alignments. However, these requirements gravely limit the scope of practical applications of SC due to scarcity or even unavailability of parallel corpora. We propose an SC framework based on variational auto-encoder which enables us to exploit non-parallel corpora. The framework comprises an encoder that learns speaker-independent phonetic representations and a decoder that learns to reconstruct the designated speaker. It removes the requirement of parallel corpora or phonetic alignments to train a spectral conversion system. We report objective and subjective evaluations to validate our proposed method and compare it to SC methods that have access to aligned corpora.

#2 suggested method

To improve the performance of this transformation function, another transformation can be used using the Fourier transformation function, which is as follows.

#3 fourier transform

def convert_f0(f0, src, trg): mu_s, std_s = np.fromfile(os.path.join('./etc', '{}.npf'.format(src)), np.float32) mu_t, std_t = np.fromfile(os.path.join('./etc', '{}.npf'.format(trg)), np.float32) lf0 = tf.where(f0 > 1., tf.log(f0), f0) lf0 = tf.where(lf0 > 1., (lf0 - mu_s)/std_s * std_t + mu_t, lf0) lf0 = tf.where(lf0 > 1., tf.exp(lf0), lf0) return lf0

#4 Result

By moving the transformations, the output result was palpable in the resolution of the original sound, and the encoding can be considered valid for this audio data sample.

#5 refrences

Chin-Cheng Hsu�, Hsin-Te Hwang�, Yi-Chiao Wu�, Yu Tsaoy and Hsin-Min Wang� � Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan Voice Conversion from Non-parallel Corpora Using Variational Auto-encoder.

#6 introduce

My name is Nima Azimi and I'm of biomedical engineering student , I've choosen this type of project becuase of the importance of the seceurity of the signal data and it's nessecarry to keep them safe .


In the end, I would like to thank Dr. Islami, who introduced me to this field and guided me.