
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

This is the code of the paper Emotional Voice Conversion using Multitask Learning with Text-to-speech, ICASSP 2020 [link]


Install required packages

pip3 install -r requirements.txt


Few samples and pretraiend model for VC are provided, so you can try with below command.

Samples contain 20 types of sentences and 7 emotions, 140 utterances in total.

[model download]

[samples download]

python3 generate.py --init_from <model_path> --gpu <gpu_id> --out_dir <out_dir>

Below is an example of generated wav.

It means the model takes contents of (fear, 20th contents) and style of (anger, 2nd contents) to make (anger, 20th contents).



You can train your own dataset, by changing contents of dataset.py

# remove silence within wav files
python3 trimmer.py --in_dir <in_dir> --out_dir <out_dir>

# Extract mel/lin spectrogram and dictionary of characters/phonemes
python3 preprocess.py --txt_dir <txt_dir> --wav_dir <wav_dir> --bin_dir <bin_dir>

# train the model, --use_txt will control vc path or tts path
python3 main.py -m <message> -g <gpu_id> --use_txt <0~1, higher value means y_t batch is more sampled>

1 -

target : In this article, we have shown that "Voice Conversion" based on feeling Uses. Although research 2 that uses the "multipurpose training" method There is a lot about "audio conversion", the conversion function Voices, due to the lack of preservation of linguistic information, from the multi-purpose method used educationally. By combining these two methods, the previous problem is solved will be. A single model for both "sound conversion" and "Speech to text" is optimized and the created system will cause It can be used for both methods.

2 -

The result shows that "multipurpose training" to a significant extent It reduces the amount of error of the word VGR and the evaluations as well it shows. The content decoder will also increase the quality "Sound recognition and reconstruction" will be. And the hardware platform related to VC and TTS to its minimum extent will receive

3 - ketabkhooneh ha

//import torch import numpy as np from scipy.signal import get_window import librosa.util as librosa_util//

4 - codes : from future import unicode_literals, print_function, division import torch import torch.nn as nn import torch.nn.utils.rnn as rnn import torch.nn.functional as F from torch.autograd import Variable

import numpy as np import random from encoder import EncoderRNN

class Tacotron(nn.Module): def init(self, args): super().init() self.use_gpu = args.use_gpu self.r_factor = args.r_factor self.dec_out_size = args.dec_out_size

self.teacher_forcing_ratio = args.teacher_forcing_ratio
self.attn_weights = []

# text encoder 
self.encoder = Encoder(args.vocab_size, args.charvec_dim, args.hidden_size, \
self.linear_enc = nn.Linear(2 * args.hidden_size, 2 * args.hidden_size, bias=False)

self.contents_enc = EncoderRNN(80, 128, 2, emb_type='raw')

# decoder
self.decoder = AttnDecoderRNN(args.hidden_size, args.dec_out_size, args.style_embed_size, \
self.post_processor = PostProcessor(args.hidden_size, args.dec_out_size, args.post_out_size, args.num_filters // 2)

# style
self.style_enc = EncoderRNN(80, 32, 2)

self.gender_embed = nn.Embedding(args.gender_num, args.style_embed_size)
self.emotion_embed = nn.Embedding(args.emotion_num, args.style_embed_size)
self.age_embed = nn.Embedding(args.age_num, args.style_embed_size)
self.spk_embed_1 = nn.Linear(256, 10)
self.spk_embed_2 = nn.Linear(10, 32)


def forward(self, target_mel, target_mel_len, txt=None, txt_len=None, ref_mel=None, ref_mel_len=None, input_mel=None, input_mel_len=None, gender=None, age=None, emotion=None, spkemb=None, epoch=0, *args, **kwargs): N = target_mel.size(0) # Batch size r = self.r_factor wav_len_max = int(target_mel.shape[1]) dec_len_max = wav_len_max // r

if self.use_gpu:
    output_mel = torch.zeros([N, wav_len_max, target_mel.shape[-1]]).cuda()
    output_mel = torch.zeros([N, wav_len_max, target_mel.shape[-1]])

if torch.is_tensor(input_mel):
    contents_len = input_mel_len
    enc_output = self.contents_enc(input_mel, input_mel_len)
    in_attW_enc = rnn.pack_padded_sequence(enc_output, input_mel_len, True)
elif torch.is_tensor(txt):
    contents_len = txt_len
    enc_output = self.encoder(txt, txt_len)
    in_attW_enc = rnn.pack_padded_sequence(enc_output, txt_len, True)
in_attW_enc = self.linear_enc(in_attW_enc.data)

# style enc
style_vec = self.style_enc(ref_mel, ref_mel_len)
self.style_vec = style_vec
self.context_vec = []

# Unrolling RNN
for di in range(dec_len_max + 1):
    self.prev_dec_output, self.prev_context = \
        self.decoder(enc_output, in_attW_enc, self.prev_dec_output, style_vec, contents_len, self.prev_context)

    if  di < dec_len_max:
        output_mel[:, di*r:di*r+r, :] = self.prev_dec_output

        if random.random() < self.teacher_forcing_ratio:
            self.prev_dec_output = target_mel[:, di * r - 1]
            self.prev_dec_output = self.prev_dec_output[:, -1]

    # If `mel` has residual length after division by `r_factor`
        res_length = wav_len_max % r
        if res_length == 0:
        output_mel[:, di*r:, :] = self.prev_dec_output[:, :res_length, :]


output_linear = self.post_processor(output_mel)

return output_mel, output_linear, self.attn_weights

def reset_decoder_states(self): self.decoder.reset_states() self.prev_dec_output = None self.prev_context = None self.attn_weights = []

def mask_decoder_states(self, len_mask=None): # wrapper self.decoder.mask_states(len_mask)

if self.prev_dec_output is not None:
    if len_mask is None:
        self.prev_dec_output = Variable(self.prev_dec_output.data, requires_grad=False)
        self.prev_context = Variable(self.prev_context.data, requires_grad=False)
        self.prev_dec_output = Variable(torch.index_select(self.prev_dec_output.data, 0, len_mask), requires_grad=False)
        self.prev_context = Variable(torch.index_select(self.prev_context.data, 0, len_mask), requires_grad=False)

class Encoder(nn.Module): """ input[0]: NxT sized Tensor input[1]: B sized lengths Tensor output: NxTxH sized Tensor """ def init(self, vocab_size, charvec_dim, hidden_size, num_filters, dropout_p=0.5): super().init() self.hidden_size = hidden_size

self.embedding = nn.Embedding(vocab_size, charvec_dim)
self.prenet = nn.Sequential(
    nn.Linear(charvec_dim, 2 * hidden_size),
    nn.Linear(2 * hidden_size, hidden_size),
self.CBHG = CBHG(hidden_size, hidden_size, hidden_size, hidden_size, hidden_size, num_filters, True)

def forward(self, input, lengths): output = self.prenet(self.embedding(input)) output = self.CBHG(output, lengths) return output class AttnDecoderRNN(nn.Module): """ input_enc: Output from encoder (NxTx2H) input_attW_enc: masked-linear transformed input_enc input_dec: Output from previous-step decoder (NxO_dec) style_vec: Speaker embedding (Nx1xS) lengths: N sized Tensor output: N x r x H sized Tensor """ def init(self, hidden_size, output_size, style_embed_size, r_factor=2, dropout_p=0.5): super().init() self.r_factor = r_factor self.O_dec = output_size

self.prenet = nn.Sequential(
    nn.Linear(output_size, 2 * hidden_size),
    nn.Linear(2 * hidden_size, hidden_size),
self.linear_dec = nn.Linear(2 * hidden_size, 2 * hidden_size)
self.gru_att = nn.GRU(3 * hidden_size + style_embed_size, 2 * hidden_size, batch_first=True)
self.attn = nn.Linear(2 * hidden_size, 1)

self.short_cut = nn.Linear(4 * hidden_size + style_embed_size, 2 * hidden_size)
self.gru_dec1 = nn.GRU(4 * hidden_size + style_embed_size, 2 * hidden_size, num_layers=1, batch_first=True)
self.gru_dec2 = nn.GRU(2 * hidden_size, 2 * hidden_size, num_layers=1, batch_first=True)

self.out = nn.Linear(2 * hidden_size, r_factor * output_size)


def forward(self, input_enc, input_attW_enc, input_dec, style_vec, lengths_enc, input_context=None): N, T_enc = input_enc.size(0), max(lengths_enc)

if input_dec is None:
    input_dec = Variable(input_enc.data.new().resize_(N, self.O_dec).zero_(), requires_grad=False)
out_prenet = self.prenet(input_dec).unsqueeze(1)

if input_context is None:
    input_context = Variable(input_enc.data.new().resize_(N, 1, out_prenet.size(2)*2).zero_(), requires_grad=False)
in_gru_att = torch.cat([out_prenet, input_context, style_vec], dim=2)

out_att, self.hidden_att = self.gru_att(in_gru_att, self.hidden_att)
in_attW_dec = self.linear_dec(out_att).expand_as(input_enc)
in_attW_dec = rnn.pack_padded_sequence(in_attW_dec, lengths_enc, True)      

e = torch.add(input_attW_enc, in_attW_dec.data).tanh()                      
e = self.attn(e)                                                            

# Bahdanau attention
self.attn_weights = rnn.PackedSequence(e.exp(), in_attW_dec.batch_sizes)
self.attn_weights, _ = rnn.pad_packed_sequence(self.attn_weights, True)
self.attn_weights = F.normalize(self.attn_weights, 1, 1)

attn_applied = torch.bmm(self.attn_weights.transpose(1, 2), input_enc)

out_dec = torch.cat((attn_applied, out_att, style_vec), 2)
residual = self.short_cut(out_dec)

out_dec, self.hidden_dec1 = self.gru_dec1(out_dec, self.hidden_dec1)
residual = residual + out_dec

out_dec, self.hidden_dec2 = self.gru_dec2(residual, self.hidden_dec2)
residual = residual + out_dec

output = self.out(residual).view(N, self.r_factor, -1)

return output, attn_applied

def reset_states(self): self.hidden_att = None self.hidden_dec1 = None self.hidden_dec2 = None self.attn_weights = None

def mask_states(self, len_mask): if self.hidden_att is not None: if len_mask is None: self.hidden_att = Variable(self.hidden_att.data, requires_grad=False) self.hidden_dec1 = Variable(self.hidden_dec1.data, requires_grad=False) self.hidden_dec2 = Variable(self.hidden_dec2.data, requires_grad=False) else: self.hidden_att = Variable(torch.index_select(self.hidden_att.data, 1, len_mask), requires_grad=False) self.hidden_dec1 = Variable(torch.index_select(self.hidden_dec1.data, 1, len_mask), requires_grad=False) self.hidden_dec2 = Variable(torch.index_select(self.hidden_dec2.data, 1, len_mask), requires_grad=False) class PostProcessor(nn.Module): """ input: N x T x O_dec output: N x T x O_post """ def init(self, hidden_size, dec_out_size, post_out_size, num_filters): super().init() self.CBHG = CBHG(dec_out_size, hidden_size, 2 * hidden_size, hidden_size, hidden_size, num_filters, True) self.projection = nn.Linear(2 * hidden_size, post_out_size)

def forward(self, input, lengths=None): if lengths is None: N, T = input.size(0), input.size(1) lengths = [T for _ in range(N)] output = self.CBHG(input, lengths).contiguous() output = self.projection(output) else: output = self.CBHG(input, lengths) output = rnn.pack_padded_sequence(output, lengths, True) output = rnn.PackedSequence(self.projection(output.data), output.batch_sizes) output, _ = rnn.pad_packed_sequence(output, True) return output class CBHG(nn.Module): """ input: NxTxinput_dim sized Tensor output: NxTx2gru_dim sized Tensor """ def init(self, input_dim, conv_bank_dim, conv_dim1, conv_dim2, gru_dim, num_filters, is_masked): super().init() self.num_filters = num_filters

bank_out_dim = num_filters * conv_bank_dim
self.conv_bank = nn.ModuleList()
for i in range(num_filters):
    self.conv_bank.append(nn.Conv1d(input_dim, conv_bank_dim, i + 1, stride=1, padding=int(np.ceil(i / 2))))

# define batch normalization layer, we use BN1D since the sequence length is not fixed
self.bn_list = nn.ModuleList()

self.conv1 = nn.Conv1d(bank_out_dim, conv_dim1, 3, stride=1, padding=1)
self.conv2 = nn.Conv1d(conv_dim1, conv_dim2, 3, stride=1, padding=1)

if input_dim != conv_dim2:
    self.residual_proj = nn.Linear(input_dim, conv_dim2)

self.highway = Highway(conv_dim2, 4)
self.rnn_residual = nn.Linear(conv_dim2, 2*conv_dim2)
self.BGRU = nn.GRU(input_size=conv_dim2, hidden_size=gru_dim, num_layers=1, batch_first=True, bidirectional=True)

def forward(self, input, lengths): N, T = input.size(0), input.size(1)

conv_bank_out = []
for i in range(self.num_filters):
    tmp_input = input.transpose(1, 2)
    if i % 2 == 0:
        tmp_input = tmp_input.unsqueeze(-1)
        tmp_input = F.pad(tmp_input, (0,0,0,1)).squeeze(-1)

residual = torch.cat(conv_bank_out, dim=1)
residual = F.relu(self.bn_list[0](residual))
residual = F.max_pool1d(residual, 2, stride=1)
residual = self.conv1(residual)
residual = F.relu(self.bn_list[1](residual))
residual = self.conv2(residual)
residual = self.bn_list[2](residual).transpose(1,2)

rnn_input = input
if rnn_input.size() != residual.size():
    rnn_input = self.residual_proj(rnn_input)
rnn_input = rnn_input + residual
rnn_input = self.highway(rnn_input)

output = rnn.pack_padded_sequence(rnn_input, lengths, True)
output, _ = self.BGRU(output)
output, _ = rnn.pad_packed_sequence(output, True)

rnn_residual = self.rnn_residual(rnn_input)
output = rnn_residual + output
return output

class Highway(nn.Module): def init(self, size, num_layers, f=F.relu): super(Highway, self).init() self.num_layers = num_layers self.nonlinear = nn.ModuleList([nn.Linear(size, size) for _ in range(num_layers)]) self.linear = nn.ModuleList([nn.Linear(size, size) for _ in range(num_layers)]) self.gate = nn.ModuleList([nn.Linear(size, size) for _ in range(num_layers)]) self.f = f

def forward(self, x): """ input: NxH sized Tensor output: NxH sized Tensor """ for layer in range(self.num_layers): gate = torch.sigmoid(self.gatelayer) nonlinear = self.f(self.nonlinearlayer) linear = self.linearlayer x = gate * nonlinear + (1 - gate) * linear return x

5 -

As mentioned in section 3, adding these codes improves the performance of the program in Kolb to recognize new and wider input values.

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org file = https://github.com/ktho22/vctts

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amir sheikh / electrical engeenering student / srb.iau.ir / iran

8 - Transferred to Mrfathali

9 - Transferred to Mr.fathali

10 - این یک تبدیل صدا است که لحن احساسات خود مانند خشم یا غم یا شادی از دست نمیدهد و تغییری که من در کدها در بستر وی‌اس‌کد دادم این بود که با تعریف کتابخونه‌های جدید مقادیر ورودی بتواند گسترده تر باشد همچنین ادد کردن کمی دیلی برای فهم بهار فارسی زبانان