
Mediawiki Knowledge Graph in Neo4j with front neovis.js

Primary LanguagePHP

Package for send query to neo4j server database for wiki knowledge graph backend and front with neovis.js for display graphs from neo4j in php

please put in your path from mediawiki

first download package

then put in your path and run :

composer install

--------------With Category and pages subcategory----------------------------

$config = [];

$config['hosturl'] = 'https://mediawiki.com';

$config['bolt'] = 'bolt+s://user:password@localhost';

$config['rootcategory'] = 'Cars';


$category = WikiKnowledgeGraph::runGraphCategory();

$pages = WikiKnowledgeGraph::runGraphPages();

--------------all pages without category-------------------------------------

$config = [];

$config['hosturl'] = 'https://mediawiki.com';

$config['bolt'] = 'bolt+s://user:password@localhost';


$pages = WikiKnowledgeGraph::runGraphPagesWithoutCategory();
