
Biar cepet buat set environment

Primary LanguageShell


Set environment secepat kilat

Installation Instructions

  1. Install Git here
  2. Install VirtualBox here
  3. Install Vagrant here
  4. Restart your computer/laptop
  5. Change directory into the folder cd environment-diar
  6. Set vargrant memory (default 8000 mb) first at file Vagrantfile in vb.memory
  7. Create your machine vagrant up
  8. Access vagrant machine vagrant ssh
  9. Starts cloning repo and contributes in ~/work folder


My local MySQL is not responding!

Start your MySQL service first
Go to the environment-diar folder then ssh into the machine vagrant ssh
Start the service docker container start mysql

Where to work?

Go to the environment-diar folder then ssh into the machine vagrant ssh
And cd to the folder cd ~/work
Start pulling your repositories on ~/work

Vagrant Cheat Sheet

vagrant up #start or create vagrant machine
vagrant ssh #access vagrant machine
vagrant halt #stop vagrant machine
vagrant reload #restart vagrant machine
vagrant destroy #delete machine, won't delete synced folder


FAQ on synced folder and forwarded ports
need to add NVM for future node js development
auto pull repo script
upgrade docker provision https://www.vagrantup.com/docs/provisioning/docker.html