
Primary LanguagePython

Coffee Shop Backend


The goal of the Full Stack Web Developer ND program was to equip us, learners, with the skills we need to build database - backed APIs and web applications. This Coffeeshop backend application 'FSNDCAPS' is the conclusion of the Full Stack ND, and it explores all the main concepts including, but not limited to, python, database building and designing for software applications, creating and deploying database - backed web APIs, securing and managing user authentication, and access control for an application backend.


FSNDCAPS is a web application created to help university students in accessing the live drinks menu of their favorite coffeeshop, and it is also a major tool for the coffeeshop itself where baristas and managers can have their roles in updating the universal menu on the spot! Managers have complete access over the application permissions, which allows them to complete their work effeciently and easily. Baristas have little access as not to overwhelm them with their profession.

There is no frontend for this app yet, it can only be presently used to authenticate using Auth0 by entering credentials and retrieving a fresh token to use with curl or postman.

Getting Started

URL: https: // fsndcaps.herokuapp.com/

To signup / login and check JWT: https: // fsndcaps.herokuapp.com / login

To logout: https: // fsndcaps.herokuapp.com / logout

Installing Dependencies

Python 3.9.4

Follow instructions to install the latest version of python for your platform in the[python docs](https: // docs.python.org / 3 / using / unix.html # getting-and-installing-the-latest-version-of-python)

Virtual Environment

We recommend working within a virtual environment whenever using Python for projects. This keeps your dependencies for each project separate and organized. Instructions for setting up a virtual environment for your platform can be found in the[python docs](https: // packaging.python.org / guides / installing - using - pip - and-virtual - environments /)

PIP Dependencies

Once you have your virtual environment setup and running, install dependencies by running:

pip3 install - r requirements.txt

This will install all of the required packages we selected within the requirements.txt file.

Key Dependencies

  • [Flask](http: // flask.pocoo.org /) is a lightweight backend microservices framework. Flask is required to handle requests and responses.

  • [SQLAlchemy](https: // www.sqlalchemy.org /) and [Flask - SQLAlchemy](https: // flask - sqlalchemy.palletsprojects.com / en / 2.x /) are libraries to handle the lightweight sqlite database. Since we want you to focus on auth, we handle the heavy lift for you in . / database / models.py.

  • [jose](https: // python - jose.readthedocs.io / en / latest /) JavaScript Object Signing and Encryption for JWTs. Useful for encoding, decoding, and verifying JWTS.

Before running the server

Uncomment line 26 in './app.py' in order to populate the database, and comment it again to prevent resetting it after any server restart.

Ensure you have imported / run './setup.sh' to your environment.

Running the server

Ensure you are working using your created virtual environment.

Each time you open a new terminal session, run:

Linux users:

export FLASK_APP=api.py;

Windows Users:

set FLASK_APP=api.py

To run the server - it will reload automatically; it is forced to run in debug mode at the bottom of './app.py' - execute:

flask run


Setup Auth0

  1. Create a new Auth0 Account
  2. Select a unique tenant domain
  3. Create a new, single page web application
  4. Create a new API
    • in API Settings:
      • Enable RBAC
      • Enable Add Permissions in the Access Token
  5. Create new API permissions:
    • get: drinks - detail
    • post: drinks
    • patch: drinks
    • delete: drinks
  6. Create new roles for:
    • Barista
      • can get: drinks - detail
    • Manager
      • can perform all actions
  7. Test your endpoints with [Postman](https: // getpostman.com).
    • Register 2 users - assign the Barista role to one and Manager role to the other.
    • Sign into each account and make note of the JWT.
    • Import the postman collection . / udacity - fsndcaps.postman_collection.json
    • Right - clicking the collection folder for barista and manager, navigate to the authorization tab, and including the JWT in the token field(you should have noted these JWTs).
    • Run the collection and correct any errors.


Endpoint Library

@ app.errorhandler decorators are used to format and return error responses as JSON objects. @ requires_auth decorator are used for Authorization based on roles of the user. Two roles are assigned to this API: 'Manager' and 'Barista'. Public users can GET '/drinks', even if they are not registered fsndcaps users, but have limits on their navigation, i.e: public users can only access '/drinks' by GET.

All Endpoints

GET '/drinks' POST '/drinks' PATCH '/drinks/int:id' DELETE '/drinks/int:id'


GET '/drinks'

Returns a list of all available drinks belonging to the user, id number of the drink, recipe, title, and a success value. Sample curl:

curl - -request GET 'https://fsndcaps.herokuapp.com/drinks'

Sample response output: {"drinks": [{"id": 1, "recipe": [{"color": "blue", "parts": 1}], "title": "water"}], "success": true}


GET '/drinks'

Same as a public user.

GET '/drinks-detail'

Returns a list of all available drinks belonging to the user, id number of the drink, detailed recipe, and a success value. Sample curl:

curl - i - H "Content-Type: application/json" - H "Authorization: Bearer {INSERT_TOKEN_HERE}" https: // fsndcaps.herokuapp.com / drinks - detail

Sample response output: {"drinks": [{"id": 1, "recipe": [{"color": "blue", "name": "water", "parts": 1}], "title": "water"}], "success": true}


GET '/drinks'

Same as a public user.

GET '/drinks-detail'

Same as a Barista user.

POST '/drinks'

Posts a drink with its details; title and recipe(name, color, parts). Returns the drink and a success value. Sample curl:

curl - -request POST "https://fsndcaps.herokuapp.com/drinks" \

  • H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  • H 'Authorization: Bearer {INSERT_TOKEN_HERE}' \
  • -data - raw '{ "title": "Water1", "recipe": [{ "name": "Water", "color": "blue", "parts": 1 }] }'

Sample response output: {"drinks": [{"id": 2, "recipe": [{"color": "blue", "name": "Water", "parts": 1}], "title": "Water1"}], "success": true}

PATCH '/drinks/int:id'

Patches a drink with its details; title and recipe(name, color, parts). Returns the updated drink, its details and a success value. Sample curl:

curl - -request PATCH 'https://fsndcaps.herokuapp.com/drinks/1' \

  • -header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  • -header 'Authorization: Bearer {INSERT_TOKEN_HERE}' \
  • -data - raw '{ "title": "Water_Long", "recipe": [{ "name": "Water", "color": "blue", "parts": 2 }] }'

Sample response output: {"drinks": [{"id": 1, "recipe": [{"color": "blue", "name": "Water", "parts": 2}], "title": "Water_Long"}], "success": true}

DELETE '/drinks/int:id'

Deletes the drink of specified ID, returns success value and ID of the deleted drink. Sample curl:

curl - -request DELETE 'https://fsndcaps.herokuapp.com/drinks/1' \

  • -header 'Authorization: Bearer {INSERT_TOKEN_HERE}'

Sample response output: {"delete": 1, "success": true}


There are 19 unittests in test_app.py. To run this file simply use:

python test_app.py

These tests include one test for expected success and error behavior for each endpoint, and tests demonstrating role-based access control, where some endpoints are tested with and without the correct authorization.