
this is full Backend for task manger Api it's will serve for integrating with front end framework ReactJS with all feature Authentication user and private data implementation and more checkout the readme to know more and test it out to see more, it's public for showing case proposes

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is A complete Backend With NodeJs MongoDB and with a lot of packages and dependices created for Ready Integration With A The frontEnd

  • SignUp User URL/users
  • Login User URL/user/login

User Authentification Has to be login or create for generate access token valid for 7day account to do This routes

  • LogOut User form One device URL/user/loggout
  • LogOut User form All devices URL/user/loggoutall
  • Update Information User URL/user/me
  • Get All Info User Profile URL/users/me
  • Delete User Profile URL/user/me
  • Upload Files User Profile Avatar & create avatar profile URL/user/me/avatar
  • Get User Profile Avatar by Id URL/users/607cf3571151bf1f8ca424d1/avatar
  • Delete User Profile Avatar URL/user/me/avatar
  • Create Task User URL/tasks
  • Read Task User URL/tasks
  • Read Task By ID User URL/task/607b31f8c04be8236ca341cc
  • Update Task User URL/task/607b34f055c83a1694f3f8ff
  • Delete Task User URL/task/607b34f055c83a1694f3f8ff

  • Add QUERYS Read Task to :
  • sortBy : CreatedAt:-1or1 URL/tasks?sortBy=createdAt:1
  • completed=false or true URL/tasks?completed=false
  • limit=10 your tasks URL/tasks?limit:10
  • skip=10 to go to the next Page URL/tasks?limit:10&skip=10

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