The Complete Guide to Building Premium WordPress Themes

Source code for my course: The Complete Guide to Building Premium WordPress Themes

  • Download or clone the repository in the WordPress themes directory.
  • Activate the theme from wp-admin.
  • Open the CMD/Terminal and change to the theme's directory (/wp-content/themes/firstheme)
  • Run npm install
  • Go to gulpfile.babel.js and find this code:
    export const serve = done => {
        proxy: "http://localhost:8888/myfirsttheme"
    And change the proxy URL to the URL of your WordPress installation on your machine. The port will vary depending on the software you are using (WAMP,MAMP,XAMPP, etc..)
  • Run npm run start, this will open a browsersync url where your browser will refresh every time you change some code in your theme.
  • npm run start is useful for development. For production you can run npm run build to generate minified assets for production. (You can see generated assets in the dist folder)