
Lightweight and Extensible Infrastructure for Building Web Applications

Primary LanguageC#Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Build status

What is DNTFrameworkCore?

DNTFrameworkCore is a Lightweight and Extensible Infrastructure for Building High Quality Web Applications Based on ASP.NET Core and has the following goals:

  • Common structures in various applications like Cross-Cutting Concerns and etc
  • Follow DRY principle to focus on main business logic
  • Reduce the development time
  • Less bug and stop bug propagation
  • Reduce the training time of the new developer with low knowledge about OOP and OOD


Blog CRUD Service


To create your first project based on DNTFrameworkCore you can install the following packages:

PM> Install-Package DNTFrameworkCore
PM> Install-Package DNTFrameworkCore.EntityFramework
PM> Install-Package DNTFrameworkCore.EntityFramework.SqlServer
PM> Install-Package DNTFrameworkCore.Web
PM> Install-Package DNTFrameworkCore.Web.EntityFramework
PM> Install-Package DNTFrameworkCore.FluentValidation
PM> Install-Package DNTFrameworkCore.Web.MultiTenancy


1- Run the following command to install boilerplate project template based on ASP.NET Core Web API and DNTFrameworkCore:

dotnet new --install DNTFrameworkCoreTemplateAPI::*‌‌

2- Create new project with installed template:

dotnet new dntcore-api

Now you have a solution like below that contains complete identity management feature include user,role and dynamic permission management and also integrated with persistent JWT authentication machanism:

Solution Structure

For more info about templates you can watch DNTFrameworkCoreTemplate repository


  • Automatic Input Validation and Business Validation
  • Automatic Transaction Management
  • Eventing
  • Aggregate Update (Master-Detail)
  • Automatic Numbering
  • Functional Programming Error Handling
  • Dynamic Permission Authorization
  • CrudService
  • CrudController
  • DbLogger Provider
  • Auditing
  • DataProtectionKeys DbRepository
  • Hooks
  • SoftDelete
  • MultiTenancy
  • Tracking mechanism (CreatorUserId,CreationDateTime,LastModifierUserId,...)
  • FluentValidation Integration
  • BackgroundTaskQueue
  • CQRS (coming soon)
  • EntityHistory (coming soon)


DNTFrameworkCore.TestAPI Complete ASP.NET Core Web API

Create Entity

public class Task : TrackableEntity<int>, IAggregateRoot, INumberedEntity
    public const int MaxTitleLength = 256;
    public const int MaxDescriptionLength = 1024;

    public string Title { get; set; }
    public string NormalizedTitle { get; set; }
    public string Number { get; set; }
    public string Description { get; set; }
    public TaskState State { get; set; } = TaskState.Todo;
    public byte[] RowVersion { get; set; }

Implement ProjectDbContext that inherited from DbContextCore

public class ProjectDbContext : DbContextCore
    public ProjectDbContext(DbContextCoreDependency<ProjectDbContext> dependency) : base(dependency)

    protected override void OnModelCreating(ModelBuilder modelBuilder)
        modelBuilder.ApplyConfiguration(new TaskConfiguration());


    protected override void AfterSaveChanges(SaveChangeContext context)
        //if you are using https://github.com/VahidN/EFSecondLevelCache.Core as SecondLevelCache library

Create Model/DTO

[LocalizationResource(Name = "SharedResource", Location = "DNTFrameworkCore.TestAPI")]
public class TaskModel : MasterModel<int>, IValidatableObject
    public string Title { get; set; }

    [MaxLength(50, ErrorMessage = "Validation from DataAnnotations")]
    public string Number { get; set; }

    public string Description { get; set; }
    public TaskState State { get; set; } = TaskState.Todo;

    public IEnumerable<ValidationResult> Validate(ValidationContext validationContext)
        if (Title == "IValidatableObject")
            yield return new ValidationResult("Validation from IValidatableObject");

Note: Based on validation infrastructure, you can validate Model/DTO with various approach, using by DataAnnotation ValidateAttribute, Implementing IValidatableObject or Implement IModelValidator that exist in DNTFrameworkCore package.

public class TaskValidator : ModelValidator<TaskModel>
    public override IEnumerable<ModelValidationResult> Validate(TaskModel model)
        if (!Enum.IsDefined(typeof(TaskState), model.State))
            yield return new ModelValidationResult(nameof(TaskModel.State), "Validation from IModelValidator");

Also in most cases, one Model/DTO can be enough for your requirements about Create/Edit/View an entity. However you can create ReadModel like below:

public class TaskReadModel : MasterModel<int>
    public string Title { get; set; }
    public string Number { get; set; }
    public TaskState State { get; set; } = TaskState.Todo;

Implement Service

public interface ITaskService : ICrudService<int, TaskReadModel, TaskModel, TaskFilteredPagedQueryModel>

public class TaskService : CrudService<Task, int, TaskReadModel, TaskModel, TaskFilteredPagedQueryModel>,
    private readonly IMapper _mapper;

    public TaskService(CrudServiceDependency dependency, IMapper mapper) : base(dependency)
        _mapper = mapper ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(mapper));

    protected override IQueryable<TaskReadModel> BuildReadQuery(TaskFilteredPagedQueryModel model)
        return EntitySet.AsNoTracking()
            .WhereIf(model.State.HasValue, t => t.State == model.State)

    protected override Task MapToEntity(TaskModel model)
        return _mapper.Map<Task>(model);

    protected override TaskModel MapToModel(Task entity)
        return _mapper.Map<TaskModel>(entity);

In DNTFrameworkCore.EntityFramework there is no dependency to AutoMapper or other mapper libraries, then you can do mapping between Entity and Model manually by implementing MapToModel and MapToEntity abstract methods.

Implement API Controller

public class
    TasksController : CrudController<ITaskService, int, TaskReadModel, TaskModel, TaskFilteredPagedQueryModel>
    public TasksController(ITaskService service) : base(service)

    protected override string CreatePermissionName => PermissionNames.Tasks_Create;
    protected override string EditPermissionName => PermissionNames.Tasks_Edit;
    protected override string ViewPermissionName => PermissionNames.Tasks_View;
    protected override string DeletePermissionName => PermissionNames.Tasks_Delete;
public class BlogsController : CrudController<IBlogService, int, BlogModel>
    public BlogsController(IBlogService service) : base(service)

    protected override string CreatePermissionName => PermissionNames.Blogs_Create;
    protected override string EditPermissionName => PermissionNames.Blogs_Edit;
    protected override string ViewPermissionName => PermissionNames.Blogs_View;
    protected override string DeletePermissionName => PermissionNames.Blogs_Delete;

ASP.NET Boilerplate

A small part of this project like the following sections are taken from ABP

  • Auditing
  • Validation with refactoring to support functional programming error handling mechanism
  • EntityTracking Interfaces