24783 Group Project - NamingSoHard

Employee data

##Alpha version

Note: pcd_viewer is a ros package, independent of all other codes

Final/Beta version


Eigen3 is required to build this project.

On Linux systems:

sudo apt install libeigen3-dev

On MacOS: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/35658420/installing-eigen-on-mac-os-x-for-xcode

brew install eigen

On windows: Download the desired release from http://eigen.tuxfamily.org. Unzip in the location of your choice, preferrably at C:\ or C:\Program files for better discoverability by CMake find-modules (remember to extract the inner folder and rename it to Eigen3 or Eigen).


Clone the repo and create build directory, the structure should look like:


Inside build directory:

cmake ../RobotWorkspaceVisualizer/codebase/Beta  -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
cmake --build . --config Release

To run tests


To visualize examples:

./find_ws ../RobotWorkspaceVisualizer/codebase/Beta/tests/3dof.urdf 20 8

where the first argument is the directory to the urdf file, the second argument is the linespace interval of the joint angles, and the last argument is the number of threads to use. Many example urdf files are stored in the test library to be explored. A maximum of 8 threads should be used. The interval of joint angles should be kept under 20. Finally, an st