Authentication using Session

Simple application built using flask in which session based authentication has been used.

To override the default session set session TTL enviroment variable with name SESSION_EXPIRY_TTL having value in minutes by using export command if in unix based system

export SESSION_EXPIRY_TTL=int_value_in_minutes

Improvements TODO

  • Test coverage needs to be increased
  • Documentation pending for apis
  • Integrate support for multiple environment : development, production and testing.


Python 3.7 In Ubuntu and Debian you can install Python 3.7 like this:

$ sudo apt-get install python3.7 python3.7-pip


  • Go to root path where requirements.txt resides by using cd command.
  • Install all requirements by using pip
pip install -r requirements.txt

Initialize migration

python db init

Generate an initial migration

python db migrate -m "Initial Migration"

Apply the migration to database

python db upgrade

Start a server

python runserver


Run test cases by following command

python test

Run server using Docker

  • Build the image docker build -t flask-demo-app:latest .
  • Run Docker Container docker run -d -p 5000:5000 flask-demo-app


  • Api overview - http://localhost:5000/api
  • Signup: http://localhost:5000/sign-up
  • Login: http://localhost:5000/login
  • Logout: http://localhost:5000/logout
  • Profile: http://localhost:5000/profile

API Overview (/api)

* Method Allowed : GET
* Returns all endpoints

Signup (/sign-up)

* Adds a new user
* Method Allowed : POST
    "payload_example": {
        "username": "(str) Username which is unique",
        "email": "(str) Email address",
        "phone_number": (str) Phone Number(validates indian phone number),
        "password": (str) Password must contain at least one character, one number and any one of these (underscore, hyphen, hash) and Password max length should be 6.

Login (/login)

* Login existing user
* Method Allowed : POST
    "payload_example": {
        "username": "(str) Username",
        "password": (str) Password for that user.

Logout (/logout)

* Logout currently logged in user.
* Method Allowed : GET

Profile (/profile)

* Returns currently logged in user profile related information such as username, email etc.
* Method Allowed : GET