First Demo :

A basic unary operation between client and server.

Run node index.js 4

Second Demo :

A git submodule way to store protobufs files so that you dont have to maintain multiple versions.

Show protos folder and .gitmodules file

Add another git repo as a submodule to current repo.

  • git submodule add protos

Update existing git submodule.

  • git submodule update --remote

Third Demo :

Running node-grpc-client by passing server certificate chain.

Show index.js file and compare current changes with the earlier commit

Fourth Demo :

mTLS settings in client to connect to server.

Show index.js file and compare current changes with the earlier commit

Sixth Demo :

Access golang-grpc-server on KinD-based kubernetes cluster behind secured nginx ingress from host.

  • Show index.js file and compare current changes with the earlier commit