
This library will help to show the polyline in dual color similar as Uber.

Primary LanguageJava


This library will help to show the polyline in dual color similar as Uber with animation in the demo.



  • Pass the googlemap context and Latlng points stored in arraylist.
  • MapAnimator.getInstance().animateRoute(googleMap, polyLineList);

  • polyLineList refers to the ArrayList, the coordinates which is to be decoded from the directions api of google.

    • Note: You can change the color of the default polyline by passing :

    • MapAnimator.getInstance().setPrimaryLineColor(color);
    • MapAnimator.getInstance().setSecondaryLineColor(color);

    • If you are changing the default colors, call it before animateRoute() method call.


    • App Level: implementation 'com.github.tintinscorpion:Dual-color-Polyline-Animation:1.0'

    • Project Level: maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
    • Developers