
By default it's not possible use path attribute in tsconfig.json with NodeJS applications. When TypeScriipt compile to JavaScript files, these path's will be not replace by your phisic path.

So with this lib it's possible replace these symbolic paths by with physic each one.


Using npm:

npm i -D @mahenrique94/path-replace

Using yarn:

yarn add --dev @mahenrique94/path-replace

Set up:

Add a new script commando at your package.json in scripts:

"path:replace": "path-replace",

Now, it will read within tsconfig.json file each path setted and search within dist folder for matches and replaces in all .js files.

You must run it after ts command:

"build": "tsc && npm run path:replace"

Or, with npm-run-all:

"ts": "run-s tsc path:replace"

Sometimes you'll need run it after each change, this is possible using tsc-watch:

"ts:w": "tsc-watch --onSuccess \"npm run path:replace\"",
