refer from
- Install cli globally (version should match the one in package.json)
npm install -g @angular/cli@1.0.0
- Install npm packages
npm install
Setup your firebase instance @
Setup providers in Firebase Authentication
Use the firebase configuration information and plug it in src/environment.ts
Import src/db.json to your firebase database instance to get the initial set of test data
Run the application using ng serve
ng serve
Add yourself as a user using the application. Ensure you are added as a user in Authentication tab of firebase console.
Add your user id as an admin in the firebase database (admins need to be added manually) -
Set: users/<user id>/roles/admin: true
Use firebase-rules.json file to setup the firebase rules for your database
Serve the application again. Ensure you have admin privileges
ng serve
- Install firebase tools globally
npm install -g firebase-tools
- Authenticate with your firebase credentials
firebase login
- Setup firebase hosting configuration for the application, using "dist" instead of public as the public folder name
firebase init
- Create a build
ng build
- Serve up the app using firebase server locally
firebase serve
- Deploy Site to firebase
firebase deploy --only hosting
- Setup firebase functions - creates functions folder and installs dependencies
firebase init
- Deploy functions to firebase
npm run deploy-functions
- Test the application using
ng test