
Starter kit for Google Chrome extensions

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Chrome Extensions Box

Русская документация.

Starter kit for creating Google Chrome extensions. Quick start is the main goal.

  • internationalization helper
  • options page helper
  • page skeletons (background, options, popup pages)
  • basic snippets (page communication etc)
  • starter icons
  • simple javaScript tabs
  • extension builder (automation release package creation)
  • written with no jQuery (but jQuery 2.x is attached)

Open source extensions written with Chrome Extensions Box:

A simple extension Chrome Extensions Box #DEMO. Do nothing but demonstrates how Chrome Extensions Box works.



  • Clone repo: git clone git://github.com/onikienko/chrome-extensions-box.git my-ext-name
  • Download latest zipped version



  1. Edit manifest.json file. Do not remove storage permissions - Chrome Extensions Box uses this API to save settings (chrome.storage). JSON does not support comments. Del them.
  2. Remove _locales folder if you don't plan internationalization. Will better to keep the internationalization support. Chrome Extensions Box has a helper simplifies the process.
  3. Edit js/storage.js file specifying the type of storage that will be used.

Look at Chrome Extensions Box #DEMO.


Helper file - js/helpers/localizer.js

In HTML instead of text place {{propertyNameFromLocale}}. See example:

	<!DOCTYPE html>

		<!--Localisation helper first-->
		<script src="js/helpers/localization.js"></script>

		<!--Other scripts-->
		<script src="js/options.js"></script>

		<!--Also can use in attributes-->
	        <img src="img/ext_icons/48.png" title="{{extName}}">

Content of _locales/en/message.json file:

	    "extName": {
	        "message": "My extension name"
	    "extDescr": {
	        "message": "My extension description"

In result will have HTML:

	<!DOCTYPE html>
	    <title>My extension name</title>
		<script src="js/helpers/localization.js"></script>
		<script src="js/options.js"></script>

	        <strong>My extension description</strong>
	        <img src="img/ext_icons/48.png" title="My extension name">

As you can see each {{}} were replaced with relevant messages from _locales/en/message.json file.

###Options page###

Helper file - js/helpers/quick_options.js

See Chrome Extensions Box #DEMO to understand how it works.

It helps quickly build options page. You have to specify default options and storage type in js/storage.js. In options.html bind storage and html with data-storage attributes.

Firstly, you have to edit js/storage.js. Specify area (local or sync) and extension options by default (storage.default_options).

See example:


	var storage = {
	    area: chrome.storage.sync, // save options to sync storage
	    // default options
	    default_options: {
	        sound_type: 'type3' 


	// bind SELECT to storage `sound_type` with attr `data-storage`
    <select data-storage="sound_type">
        <option value="type1">1</option>
        <option value="type2">2</option>
        <!-- this select will be selected because value="type3" was specified in default_options -->
        <option value="type3">3</option> 

In js/storage.js specified storage type and default option. After extension installation this default option will write to specified storage. There is SELECT in options.html with data-storage attribute with name of option. Script js/helpers/quick_options.js will analyze HTML, find TAGs with data-storage (SELECT in this case), find in storage variable with that name (sound_type), find option tag with value attribute 'type3' and select it.

In addition, for this SELECT will created event handler which will write each changes in storage and show message for the user. (Option saved).

For input type="checkbox" value attribute is ignored. For checked checkbox use 1, for unchecked - 0.

	var storage = {
	    area: chrome.storage.sync, // save options to sync storage
	    // default options
	    default_options: {
	        remember_me: 1,
	        show_hints: 0


	<!-- after installation this checkbox will checked  -->
	<input type="checkbox" data-storage="remember_me">
	<!-- will unchecked -->
	<input type="checkbox" data-storage="show_hints">

For <select multiple> you have to specify array of string values.

For text inputs (like text, password, tel, email, number) and for textarea you have to add a button. When user push the button, script will save new value to a storage. The button should have the same data-storage as input.

    <input type="text" data-storage="o_text"/>
    <input type="submit" data-storage="o_text" value="Save"/>

After each save operation script will dispatch optionSaved event. You can listen it:

    document.addEventListener('optionSaved', function(event) {

optionSaved returns callback with event.detail object which contains info about status of saving operation and option which was saved.

  • event.detail.success true on success or false on error
  • event.detail.val object with saved option

After helper finishes work with option page it will dispatch optionsPageReady event. You can listen it:

    document.addEventListener('optionsPageReady', function() {
        /* Options page is ready. Write your code here */

Download and install this demo extension Chrome Extensions Box #DEMO. See options.html and js/storage.js files. Also see console print for Option page.


Location: lib/jsTabs

Usage: options.html



###Package builder###

Make zip package ready to upload to Chrome Market.

  • check build version (from manifest.json)
  • files (folders) to ignore
  • javaScript minification (optional)
  • reminder (optional)
  • mark to changelog (optional)

Written with python 3.3

Install python 3.3+ (http://python.org/download/).



from build folder. New release package will be create in build/releases folder. You can upload this package to Chrome Web Store.

By default builder will minify javaScript files from js folder with UglifyJS (online). For build without minification run

build.py -m

or edit build.json from builder folder. (See below)

You can set reminder in build.json. For example: "off debug", "check TODO" etc. Before make build script will show you message and will wait your command.


	    // in Unix shell style.
	    // Release package will exclude files and folders which starts with '.' and folder(s) with name 'build'
	    "exclude": [".*", "build"],

	    "reminder": "",    // empty string - without reminder

	    "minify": {
	    	// Minify all files from 'js' folder
	        "dirs": ["../js"],  // relative path from builder folder. empty string - without minification
	        "exclude": ["*.min.js"]  

	    "changelog": {
			// changelog file will be create in build/releases folder
			// 	script will write version number and timestamp to this file	
	        "filename": "changelog.txt", // empty string - without changelog
	        "datetimeformat": "%d.%m.%Y %H:%M" // empty string - without timestamp