
Library for video size reduction, screen recording, video recording, watermark, capturing images, getting bitmap from image, getting image from bitmap.

Primary LanguageKotlin

Video recording with watermark (kotlin)

FOSSA Status

Android library for video recording with watermark

To get a Git project into your build:

Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file

allprojects {
		repositories {
			maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }

Step 2. Add the dependency

dependencies {
	        implementation 'com.github.maheshpaliwal:vsrwm:1.0'

Android (kotlin) video recording with watermark

Why this library ?

You can capture images while recording

You can record screen with just few lines of code

You can apply Watermark on Images

If you want to record video in lower size while maintaining quality of video then this is the best library for you

Basic Features

Pass your logo(watermark), folder name and activity(where this library will post data after recording)

// call default activity from library 
 val intent:Intent=Intent(this@MainActivity,ScreenRecording::class.java)
 intent.putExtra("class","com.example.test.WaterMarkActivity")// class where library will redirectafter screen recording or capturing images
 intent.putExtra("logo",R.drawable.pb) // add your custom logo
 intent.putExtra("customFolderName","MYAPP") // YOUR FOLDERNAME where file will be saved
// do not forget to recieve data in another activity

Recieve data

val pathToVideo = intent.getStringExtra("videopath") // path to saved video
val images = intent.getStringArrayListExtra("images") // array containing paths of images

Custom Features

Check permissions

//checkPermissions(context: Context,permissionArray: Array<String>)
var recorder:Recorder=Recorder()
val permissions= arrayOf<String>(android.Manifest.permission.CAMERA,android.Manifest.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE,android.Manifest.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE,

An example to use library for capturing images

    val recorder:Recorder= Recorder() //creating object of recorder class
    val cameraSurface:CameraSurface= CameraSurface(this,mCamera!!) // object of camera surface class
    val customLayout: FrameLayout = this.findViewById<FrameLayout>(R.id.myCameraLayout) // Importing camera layout
    customLayout.addView(cameraSurface) // putting camera surface view into customLayout
    recorder.setCameraParameters(mCamera,this) // setting up camera parameters
    snapshot.setOnClickListener {
        // give your custom folder or leave it blank to use default settings
            recorder.takePicture(it,mCamera!!,"MYAPP",false,null,null,null) // call take picture function of recorder class

Apply Watermark on Images from layout

val recorder:Recorder= Recorder()
snapshot.setOnClickListener {
        // give your custom folder or leave it blank to use default settings 
        // takePicture(it: View,mCamera:Camera,customFolderName: String?,waterMark: Boolean,context: Context?,path: File?,view:Int?)
            recorder.takePicture(it,mCamera!!,"MYAPP",true,this,pathToLocation,R.layout.watermark) // call take picture function of recorder class

Apply watermark on image from layout (using path of image)

///ApplyWatermark(pathToLocation:String,context: Context,view: Int,customFolderName: String?,path: File?)
val recorder:Recorder= Recorder()
val pathToLocation:File?=recorder.getOutputMediaFile(1,"MYAPP") // path to save image after applying watermark
recorder.ApplyWatermark(pathToFile,context,R.layout.watermark,myCustomFolder,pathToLocation) //  call apply watermark function

Save image from Bitmap

//storeImage(image:Bitmap,customFolderName:String?,path: File?)
val recorder:Recorder= Recorder()
val pathToLocation:File?=recorder.getOutputMediaFile(1,"MYAPP")

Get Bitmap from path of an image

// getBitmap(path:String):Bitmap
val recorder:Recorder= Recorder()
val bitmap:Bitmap=recorder.getBitmap(pathToFile)

An example to record screen

        mScreenDensity = Recorder.metrics.densityDpi  // density of screen
        mProjectionManager = getSystemService(Context.MEDIA_PROJECTION_SERVICE) as MediaProjectionManager
            onToggleScreenShare() }
  fun onToggleScreenShare() {
        if (!isRecording) { val pathToLocation: File? =recorder.getOutputMediaFile(2,"MYAPP")
            recorder.setUpMediaRecorder(mMediaRecorder!!,pathToLocation!!) // setting up media recorder
            if (mMediaProjection == null) { startActivityForResult(mProjectionManager!!.createScreenCaptureIntent(), requestCode)// creating screen capture intent
                return }
            mVirtualDisplay = recorder.createVirtualDisplay(mMediaProjection!!,"MAIN",1280,720,mScreenDensity,mMediaRecorder!!) // creating virtual display
            mMediaRecorder!!.start() // start media recorder
            isRecording = true }
        else { recorder.stopRecording(mMediaRecorder!!, mVirtualDisplay!!, mMediaProjection!!, mMediaProjectionCallback!!) } }
    public override fun onActivityResult(requestCode:Int, resultCode:Int, data: Intent?) {
        if (requestCode != constants.requestCode)
        { return
        if (resultCode != Activity.RESULT_OK)
        {   Toast.makeText(this, "Screen Cast Permission Denied", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
            isRecording = false
    public override fun onDestroy() { super.onDestroy()
        recorder.destroyMediaProjection(mMediaProjection!!,mMediaProjectionCallback!!) }