
Cost saving utility for google compute engine and google kubernetes engine (stateless containers)

Primary LanguageGo

Cost saving utility for google compute engine and google kubernetes engine (stateless containers)

License: MIT

Initialize common

go mod init github.com/maheshrayas/powerCycle/common

Initialize functions

go mod init github.com/maheshrayas/powerCycle Update go.mod file in function folder require github.com/maheshrayas/powerCycle/common v0.0.0 replace github.com/maheshrayas/powerCycle/common => ../common

Initilize vendor in function folder

go mod vendor

Deploy in cloud functions

cd functions

gcloud functions deploy PowerCycle --runtime go111 --trigger-http

Tagging standard:

start_08-00_mon-fri_stop_16-30 : Keep the instance up and running from Monday to Friday between 08:00 to 16:30

Known issue with go mod vendor

go mod vendor go: modules disabled inside GOPATH/src by GO111MODULE=auto; see 'go help modules' export GO111MODULE=on and then run go mod vendor


  1. Run the cloudfunctions at the timely interval (every 30 mins) using Google cloud scheduler
  2. Documentation
  3. Unit test