Pesto Exercises Repository

  • This repository contains exercises.
  • The branches are named using the convention DAY-SEGMENT. For example, day-4-segment-2
  • You can see all the branches using git branch -a

How to do the exercises

  • Click on 'Fork' and make an repository in your account.
  • Clone your version of the exercise repository.
      git clone <link to forked repo>
  • Install all dependencies
  • To do the exercises in branch day-2-segment-1
      git checkout day-2-segment-1
  • Do all the questions of a particular segment and make sure that all the tests pass.
  • For example, if the folder name is your-name, then it will contain one file yourName.test.js.
  • You need to create another file yourName.js. (Make sure that the filename is correct.)
  • Make the required function or class and export it. Don't use default exports. Only named exports are allowed.
  • Do your work and then push to the branch
      git add .
      git commit -m "your commit message"
      git push origin segment-1
  • The commit message should be in the format
Complete Day 3 Segment 1
  • Push your code to your version of the exercise repository.
  • Make a Pull Request to the original repository. Ensure that you are setting up the correct base.