To create a model class use the following chart message

Can you generate an entity framework model class for #tblEmployee.sql

To generate the EF Core Context file using code-first approach

Can you generate an entity framework context class file for #tblEmployee.sql with code first approach

To generat code to perofrm Create and Update Operations with Data Validations

can you generate code to validate the Employee class form #Employee.cs before performing Create and Update Operations along with Read all, ReadbyId and Delete Operations. Also the code can contain error handling

To generate minimal apis

can you modify #Program.cs by adding code for minimal api endpoints to access the #EmployeeRepository.cs for Get, post,put, and delete

To modify the appsettings.json

can you mdify the #appsettings.json to add connection string named DefaultConnection to SQL Server database

Add code in Program.cs for Property Naming Policy

can you modify the #Program.cs by adding JSON Serialization options as Property Naming Policy as null

Add Code for Identity

can you add a code by generating Authentication.cs where the User and Role BAsed Security code is written using UserManager, RoleManager, and SignInManager

Code For LINQ

can you add code for searching employee by EmployeeName using LINQ

Adding the Authorization

can you modify the #Program.cs by adding Authorize attribute for each endpoint