
Simple template for using THREE.js with Typescript and ESModules and no build/bundle tooling (besides tsc)

Primary LanguageTypeScript

🎼 Triad

  • the root - THREE.js
  • the third - Typescript
  • the fifth - ESModules

Simple template for using THREE.js with Typescript and ESModules and no build/bundle tooling (besides tsc).

➡️ Setup

npm install installs Typescript and THREE.js and copies the THREE.js build to modules/.

The index.html uses an import-map to allow a bare import of THREE.js in the src/main.ts file, i.e.

    <!-- index.html -->
    <script type="importmap">
        "imports": {
          "three": "./modules/three.module.js"
// src/main.ts
import * as three from "three";

Then when running the TS build (with npx tsc or e.g. npx tsc --watch) the TS modules output is in modules/

You will need a simple server to run locally. The Deno std/http file server makes this very easy, i.e. after installing it just run file_server . in the directory then open the URL in the browser.

💾 Deployment

Use your favorite tooling to copy the assets (index.html, style.css, and modules/ files) to the host.