
Python - Read CSV files data and sort by columns

Primary LanguagePython


Python - Read CSV files data and sort by columns

Consider Share prices for a N number of companies given for each month since year 1990 in a CSV file.
Format of the file is as below with first line as header.

Year,Month,Company A, Company B,Company C, .............Company N

1990, Jan, 10, 15, 20, , ..........,50

1990, Feb, 10, 15, 20, , ..........,50





2013, Sep, 50, 10, 15............500

The solution mp-sort2 - List for each Company year and month in which the share price was highest.

Class : MP_Sort from mahesh_prasad_sort.py - sort the share prices of csv file

Class : Test_MP_Sort from test_mahesh_prasad_sort.py - test class to test MP_Sort class

Test Run Logs:

E:\Python27\script\mp-sort2>python mahesh_prasad_sort.py

E:\Python27\script\mp-sort2>python test_mahesh_prasad_sort.py

test_readCSV (main.Test_MP_Sort) ... ok

test_readHD (main.Test_MP_Sort) ... ok

test_sortData (main.Test_MP_Sort) ... ok

Ran 3 tests in 0.004s

