
Standalone service to generate critical CSS, built on critical.



Run on your local machine:

git clone git@github.com:pinchofyum/tinybit-critical-css-server.git
cd tinybit-critical-css-server
npm install
npm start

Google Cloud Function

Run as a Google Cloud Function:

  1. Create a new Cloud Run Service.
  2. Select "Continuously deploy new revisions from a source repository".
  3. Fork this repository, then select it as the repository to build.
  4. Build type will be "Dockerfile", because Puppeteer requires extra system dependencies.
  5. Complete the rest of the Create Service steps. Minimum reqs seem to be 1 GB memory, 2 CPU.


tinybit-critical-css-server implements a simple HTTP API.

Simply POST / with html and css to receive css in response.

Check out tinybit-critical-css-plugin for integration with WordPress.