- 6
No stove state history
#14 opened by fudu - 2
heta 200
#15 opened by doyoumind1 - 27
Problème avec le mode préréglage
#13 opened by grigaux - 10
Entité Climate plus fournie par l'intégration
#11 opened by Bibouche - 7
Different temperatures visable in the graphs
#5 opened by dirkclae - 19
Can't power on the stove
#9 opened by Crapoto94 - 38
Fumis integração
#2 opened by rmpirescosta - 9
Entities not available
#8 opened by Bibouche - 16
Modify the power
#7 opened by Bibouche - 2
Question : History Feature
#6 opened by LoicC04 - 17
Fumis no entities
#4 opened by Lirik-JuKi - 0
#1 opened by rmpirescosta