
Help everyone to contribute to our community projects 🚀

MIT LicenseMIT

Hello World

This project aims to simplify and guide our community to make their first contribution. We want each member of our community will have a contribution here.

Getting Started

1. Fork this repository

✨ All Contributors ✨

2. Clone your reposotory

$ git clone https://github.com/<your-github-username>/HelloWorld.git

3. Create your feature branch:

$ git checkout -b <your-name>

4. Open Contributors.md

Write your name, github profile link in the end of the file and save it.


5. Select file to commit

$ git add Contributors.md

6. Commit your changes:

$ git commit -m ":tada: introducing <your-github-username>"

7. Push to the branch:

$ git push origin <your-name>

8. Submit a pull request.

If you want to contribute to open source projects but couldn't understand all of this, It's okay. Just follow 👉 First-Contribution steps and start supporting open source community.