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Did you find it difficult to read your output in the terminal or while running a python script? Here comes colorify. It will provide you a huge range of color to choose from to print any text in the terminal with color.


Install python3 :

apt install python3

Install pip :

apt install python3-pip

Install the library :

pip install colorify

How to use?

Use in command line

library usages:

colorify -h


colorify --help

Output output0 ____________

Example commands

colorify "Random Colored text"
colorify "Random Colored text"
colorify "Random Colored text"
colorify "Random Colored text"
colorify "Random Colored text"
colorify "Random Colored text"
colorify "Random Colored text"
colorify "Random Colored text"
colorify "Random Colored text"
colorify "Random Colored text"

Output output1 ____________ output2

1. First output is generated from light themed terminal
2. Sencond output is generated from dark themed terminal 

Example commands:

# text color = green
colorify -tc green Success
# text color = black , background color = green
colorify -tc black -bc green Succes))

colorify -tc red Error
colorify -tc white -bc red Error

colorify -tc orange Alert
colorify -tc black -bc orange Alert

colorify -tc blue Info
colorify -tc white -bc blue Info


# text color = green
colorify --text-color green Success
# text color = black , background color = green
colorify --text-color black --background-color green Succes))

colorify --text-color red Error
colorify --text-color white --background-color red Error

colorify --text-color orange Alert
colorify --text-color black --background-color orange Alert

colorify --text-color blue Info
colorify --text-color white --background-color blue Info

Output output1 ____________ output

1. First output is generated from light themed terminal
2. Sencond output is generated from dark themed terminal 

Use in python script

Example code:

from colorify import *

# initializing COLORIFY

#this will generate text in random color each time
for i in range(10):
    print(colorify("Random Colored text"))

Output output3 ____________ output4

1. First output is generated from light themed terminal
2. Sencond output is generated from dark themed terminal 

Example code:

from colorify import *

# initializing COLORIFY

# text color = green
print(colorify("Sucess", C.green))
# text color = black , background color = green
print(colorify("Sucess", C.black, C.green))

print(colorify("Error ", C.red))
print(colorify("Error ", C.white, C.red))

print(colorify("Alert ", C.orange))
print(colorify("Alert ", C.black, C.orange))

print(colorify("Info  ", C.blue))
print(colorify("Info  ", C.white, C.blue))

Output output1 ____________ output

1. First output is generated from light themed terminal
2. Sencond output is generated from dark themed terminal 

Color options

In command line:

colorify [-h] [-tc TEXT_COLOR] [-bc BACKGROUND_COLOR] [-l] [-v] text

List all color:

colorify -l


colorify -cl


colorify --color-list

In python script:

print(colorify("Your text", C.TEXT_COLOR , C.BACKGROUND_COLOR))

List all color:

from colorify import *

# initializing COLORIFY
#this will print the list of all available color

Basic colors:


More colors:


Need more colors?

#use your own RGB color
print(colorify("Your text", (r,g,b) , (r,g,b)))