
A codebase for video processing and Deep learning for videos in python

Primary LanguagePython


Tools for loading video dataset and transforms on video in pytorch. You can directly load video files without preprocessing.


  • pytorch
  • torchvision
  • numpy
  • python-opencv
  • PIL

How to use

  1. Place the files datasets.py and transforms.py at your project directory.

  2. Arrange the videos into class-wise folder


Loading the dataset


If you have different training and testing folder in the dataset, use this one to load train and test data separately.

import torch
import torchvision
import datasets
import transforms

train_dataset = datasets.VideoDataloader('C:\\Users\\shuvendu\\Desktop\\UCF-101\\train',
              transforms.VideoRandomCrop([236, 236]),
              transforms.VideoResize([224, 224]),
              transforms.NormalizeVideo(mean=[0.43216, 0.394666, 0.37645],
                                         std=[0.22803, 0.22145, 0.216989]),

train_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(train_dataset, batch_size = 2, shuffle = True)
for videos in train_loader:


If all videos are in same folder and you need to split it into train and test folders.

import torch
import torchvision
import datasets
import transforms

 dl = datasets.VideoFolderDataloader('C:\\Users\\shuvendu\\Desktop\\UCF',

            transforms.VideoRandomCrop([236, 236]),
            transforms.VideoResize([224, 224]),
            transforms.NormalizeVideo(mean=[0.43216, 0.394666, 0.37645],
                                     std=[0.22803, 0.22145, 0.216989]),

            transforms.VideoCenterCrop([236, 236]),
            transforms.VideoResize([224, 224]),
            transforms.NormalizeVideo(mean=[0.43216, 0.394666, 0.37645],
                                 std=[0.22803, 0.22145, 0.216989]),
 train_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(dl.train_dataset, batch_size = 2, shuffle = True)
 test_loader = torch.utils.data.DataLoader(dl.test_dataset, batch_size = 2, shuffle = True)
for videos in train_loader:


  • transforms.VideoToTensor

Best frame sample to cover full video load video at given file path to torch.Tensor (C x L x H x W, C = 3) It can be composed with torchvision.transforms.Compose().

  • Parameters

    • max_len (int): Maximum output time depth (L <= max_len). Default is None. If it is set to None, it will output all frames.
    • fps (int): sample frame per seconds. It must lower than or equal the origin video fps. Default is None.
    • padding_mode (str): Type of padding. Default to None. Only available when max_len is not None.
      • None: won't padding, video length is variable.
      • 'zero': padding the rest empty frames to zeros.
      • 'last': padding the rest empty frames to the last frame.
  • transforms.VideoFilePathToTensor

    load video at given file path to torch.Tensor (C x L x H x W, C = 3).

    • Parameters
      • max_len (int): Maximum output time depth (L <= max_len). Default is None. If it is set to None, it will output all frames.
      • fps (int): sample frame per seconds. It must lower than or equal the origin video fps. Defaults to None.
      • padding_mode (str): Type of padding. Default to None. Only available when max_len is not None.
        • None: won't padding, video length is variable.
        • 'zero': padding the rest empty frames to zeros.
        • 'last': padding the rest empty frames to the last frame.
  • transforms.VideoFolderPathToTensor

    load video at given folder path to torch.Tensor (C x L x H x W).

    • Parameters
      • max_len (int): Maximum output time depth (L <= max_len). Default is None. If it is set to None, it will output all frames.
      • padding_mode (str): Type of padding. Default to None. Only available when max_len is not None.
        • None: won't padding, video length is variable.
        • 'zero': padding the rest empty frames to zeros.
        • 'last': padding the rest empty frames to the last frame.
  • transforms.VideoResize

    resize video tensor (C x L x H x W) to (C x L x h x w).

    • Parameters
      • size (sequence): Desired output size. size is a sequence like (H, W), output size will matched to this.
      • interpolation (int, optional): Desired interpolation. Default is PIL.Image.BILINEAR
  • transforms.VideoRandomCrop

    Crop the given Video Tensor (C x L x H x W) at a random location.

    • Parameters
      • size (sequence): Desired output size like (h, w).
  • transforms.VideoCenterCrop

    Crops the given video tensor (C x L x H x W) at the center.

    • Parameters
      • size (sequence): Desired output size of the crop like (h, w).
  • transforms.VideoRandomHorizontalFlip

    Horizontal flip the given video tensor (C x L x H x W) randomly with a given probability.

    • Parameters
      • p (float): probability of the video being flipped. Default value is 0.5.
  • transforms.VideoRandomVerticalFlip

    Vertical flip the given video tensor (C x L x H x W) randomly with a given probability.

    • Parameters
      • p (float): probability of the video being flipped. Default value is 0.5.
  • transforms.VideoGrayscale

    Convert video (C x L x H x W) to grayscale (C' x L x H x W, C' = 1 or 3)

    • Parameters
      • num_output_channels (int): (1 or 3) number of channels desired for output video.